59: The Start

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Another 3 days went by since Hani and Jungkook's conversation. Throughout that time, the mates attempted to give them both, the closure they needed. The house was thoroughly clean, Fai's toys, at last, were taken out of their room; instead, they placed them neatly in the playroom the Alpha had built for him. All his clothes, all his toys, even the chair he sat on at the table, that Jungkook had bruised his hands many times as he came up with the appropriate and safest built; everything that was once the boy's was placed on that room. The room that, at the end of everything, had been locked. Yet, the key forever remained on their bedside table, next to the wooden wolves the Alpha had made. Slowly, they found an odd peace, a wavering one that wasn't warm neither comforting, yet simply, accepting.

On that morning, Jungkook left the house first. His feet lead him towards Namjoon's cabin where he apologized; the same he did to the rest of his betas. Then, he went back home, Hani was finishing up preparing their breakfast – it was the first time they were sitting on their kitchen table, since Fai had died. The Alpha continuously glanced at the spot the toddler used to take, whenever he did, he'd shove the food faster in his mouth, his actions became more abrupt, unpolished. Hani often started random conversations with him, in order to take the Alpha's mind out of the absence of the toddler; often, she found herself doing the same thing to her own mind. Yet, somehow, Jungkook always guided the conversation towards the same thing – Hani's plan. A part of him was madly obsessed with it; he'd go meticulously over all the details, all the endless scenarios they could be faced with. Another part of him, avoided it. Labelled it delusional, impossible and, although hurtful, he reminded himself that Fai was gone. Jungkook didn't want to build up false hopes, neither did he want to put pressure on Hani. It was still too unclear, foggy. And yet, his heart constantly tricked him into believing it was possible and above all, doable.

Therefore, it was no surprise that Hani and Jungkook decided to visit Jinsang. As soon as they entered, immediately, their eyes lingered over the disarray of papers, sprawled over Jinsang's table. Kindly, he offered them a cup of tea; both of them denied. Jungkook serious and stern sat down, pulling Hani with him, in the process. Soon, Jinsang approached them and, he could tell by the somber aura around them, that many questions swirled in their mind. So, sighing, he reached for the dark notebook and opened it on the last page. Jungkook's heart beat furiously in his chest, a single page was left loose and that was the one the old man slid in their direction.

"I'm assuming this is what you came to see me for"

"Hani told me she came to talk to you about the possibility of... rebirthing our son. I want to know your opinion on it" Gulping, Jungkook stared at the paper, yet, he wasn't ready to see it. First, he needed a bit more hope; another star to blindly follow. "I want to know if it's possible."

"I told the Luna that it can work but it's a matter of luck, not of chance. There are factors in your favour, indeed. Hani was pregnant when she died the first time, she never managed to give birth to your son, Alpha. And her and the toddler were brought back separately. Unconsciously, Hani wished for him to come back and the moon goddess consented, perhaps, because she understood that with the boy's presence, your memories could not be erased. So, with that being said, in this life, you have not made him, yet. There's still that possibility. However, birth and, especially, rebirth is not an accurate and mathematical process; its rather more like Russian roulette. Genetics are complicated, in their essence is always this idea of random picking. If you were to attempt it, it would be hard to say that you were giving birth to him or rebirthing him. Which, turns this whole thing harder, for there's no strict guidelines we can follow. On top of all of this, we are not aware of how the Rebirthing happens, it is still a mystery to us all. However, this journal your friend, Jin, had has given us some hints and I believe that we are on the right track. But, unfortunately, we are behind." Jinsang's eyes dropped, they gazed at the paper that Jungkook's fingers, nervously, hovered. The Alpha shared a glance with the Luna, and, finally, he opened it. "It took us a while to decipher it, yet, we are confident in our findings. The page you see in front of you Alpha, is a detailed description of the Luna's reproductive system. It focuses particularly on two things: her womb and her blood. Those are the two key elements to a successful rebirth, or so the writer of this journal thinks. In the side-lines of the page, you can read his theories. It seemed that he was attempting to understand how could the Luna's blood allow a pure passage of the True Alpha's genes, without damaging or alternating them. In order to so, he was conducting multiple experiences of pregnant women. Taking notes on how their blood worked and blended with their mates throughout pregnancy. Doesn't seem like it was very useful to him and that he quickly comprehended that, if he wished to know, he'd have to try on the Luna herself. Nevertheless, his experiences on the womb are much more... intriguing. From his notes, we are inclined to believe that he was attempting, in a very sick way, to somehow remove the womb safely."

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