16: Fleeting

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A/N: thank you so much for 1k reads on this book and 20k on the first part of the series. Your support truly, truly, means the world to me. Once again, thank you so much. I hope you enjoy the chapter ahead, despite it's length 

The car door slammed behind her, causing Hani to sigh at the displeased and grumpy Alpha, she called her mate. He was thumping his feet on the ground, letting out big puffs of air, his eyebrows sharp and stern. Morning had not been kind to Jungkook. At the beginning it was sweet, a honey imbued morning being gently lifted from him; Hani's lips brushing against his ear softly whispering to him silk words adorned with cheeky kisses she would decorate his face with. As he opened his eyes, a flirty smile blossomed on his lips at the sight of Hani straddling his waist, welcoming him into the day. However, before he could even raise his head to steal a kiss from her lips, she started talking. Jungkook was being overwhelmed by the fast words and explanations that left her mouth. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in order to straighten his thoughts; yet, a specific line was lured into his ears and the Alpha's eyes snapped open. Abruptly, he sat on the bed and threw a scolding glare to his mate who was already dressed and ready to go. And unable to leave her alone, for even a slight second, away from his arms; the grumpy Alpha followed Hani in her quest for answers. Despite the agreement, he still wasn't fond of her decision. With everything that had been happening, the pack was the safest place, the only place they were safe in. True, their borders had been more than once threatened, yet, Jungkook had control over everything there, he knew the place as if it was the palm of his hands. Away from there, he only had himself and his luck.

Hani's footsteps were fast, filled with determination. They ventured into the pack that once had been her own, but, if one had laid their eyes on her without knowing who she was; they'd assume that pack was her throne, crown and sceptre, for so much power tainted the floor her feet walked on. Next to her, standing tall and proud, the Alpha strode mightily like a God all bow their head too. Side by side they entered the pack, Jungkook's arm tightly wrapped around Hani's waist, their eyes sharp and hard, their minds set on arriving at Jinsang's cabin. They were each so focused on their thoughts, their eyes piercing so far into the scenery in search for the small house, that they became blind to all that was happening around them.

As they walked, their footsteps echoing in the air, the people around them stopped. The kids dropped their games, the conversations ceased, the bodies froze, the eyes glued to them. They muttered to one another; the kids whispered in the other's ears. A bold few pointed at them, their mouth hanging open in amazement. At that pack also, news had rushed in about what had happened on Ulric's territory. Some had even heard the Alpha's growl, had felt the power and menace he carried in his voice. Others claimed to have seen him with his chest swallowed in blood – never once wavering, blinking his eye, showing a sign of weakness – as he carried his precious mate in his arms. This all passed by, unnoticed by the mates, just like other things had before passed. Resembling how Destiny fleets through us, between our fingers, lifting our hair in a playful mockery of our senses. For we too, become blind to the simple things, choosing to look at the grand and the marvellous.

Hani wasted no time, she quickly knocked on the dark wooden door. Her feet were tapping on the floor nervously due to her mind's scheming and planning of the possible explanations the old friend would give her. There was no answer on the other side but, refusing to give up, she knocked again; this time harder than before. Once more, there was no answer. Hani and Jungkook looked at each other in confusion and the Alpha scanned the area around them, carefully hunting for the familiar figure with his eyes. There was a cold feeling at the bottom of his stomach – something wasn't right. Stealing a quick glance at his mate who still knocked on the door, Jungkook grasped the doorknob. His body stiffened, ready to face whatever was on the other side of the door. It was abruptly opened, hitting the wall aggressively. Hani's eyes widened at the sight in front of her and Jungkook was surprised at the state of the house. Sitting on the floor, surrounded by books and notebooks and random papers, was someone they both knew; someone Hani shared a bond with.

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