11: Faithful Meetings

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Hani was sitting on a tree stump at the forest which surrounded the Bad Blood pack. The sun was setting behind her, the red coloured tones of the sky sharing with her the last moments of light and warm of the day. Jungkook had drifted off, just a few moments ago, into the forest; leaving Hani behind him for just a few seconds. As she waited for him, Hani relived the previous days in her mind. The air was growing thicker and tense. Due to winter perhaps but Hani's situation wasn't helping her breath better, anyways. Something incredibly terrible was approaching, Hani was sure of it. The past few days, filled with Ulric and Jungkook's clash, the fights with friends, the insecurity and fear that dominated her.... So much was clutching onto her ankles, pulling the girl into the ground; burying her body under the worries and the things that tormented her. She was preoccupied with Jungkook and the scars he carried; scarring him so deeply, only now, was he strong enough to let them heal. To top it all, she had worries of her own. Worries she wasn't sharing and had, somewhat, decided to carry them alone – Ulric and her family. Hani hadn't heard about her brother, so there was no way of her knowing how things were going with their father. If he had found out more about the origin of the contract and their father's decision to accept it. A part of her wished to tell Jungkook everything that was upsetting her. Yet, the more they talked and the more he opened up to her about his own pains, the more Hani pushed hers behind. Perhaps, it wasn't the healthiest choice or the best way of prioritising her worries. Persistently her heart told her that Jungkook came first, that if he was happy, then, so was she. His suffering was much greater than hers, anyways. Still, the question that had been haunting her heart persisted: What if Jungkook found out Ulric and her knew one another? That, by going with Jungkook, Hani was escaping a life bounded to him?

Interrupting the girl's thoughts, the sound of bones breaking echoed throughout the forest. Hani's heart frighteningly beat in her chest and, for moments, it fell out of its normal rhythm. Flocks of birds jumped from behind the bushes and the trees, violently flying away from the place and the sound. Taking a deep breath in order to prepare herself, she got up. Carefully and warily, she walked. Just a few steps forward like Jungkook had instructed her to do, moments before he left. With her eyes completely concentrated on the source of the sound, Hani waited for the figure to come to her. It was hard, truly difficult, for the girl to stand her ground and not run away, similarly to the birds. As the ground shook beneath her feet with every step the beast took, Hani's heart wavered in her chest with uncertainty. Unsure if this was a good idea after all.

Perfectly disguised by the colours of the winter vegetation, the familiar blood red vibrant eyes studied the girl. As their eyes locked, Hani's mind was pulled abruptly away from the scene. Her mind was taken back to the first day she laid eyes on him. Swirling in his orbs, the girl saw the scene passing through her eyes. It was as if she was seeing him for the first time – the wolf they all feared. With his strong and powerful posture, taller and broader than any other creature. The dark wolf unveiled himself from the vegetation, recognizing the girl in a heartbeat. Around and around her he went, scanning her up and down, and the girl never once moving an inch. The admiration and amazement for the wolf was overwhelming, weighting down on her limbs and on her – resembling fear. Honestly, finer was the line that separated the two emotions, in some cases, impossible to distinguish from the other. The cause was perhaps their similar origin. We admire and fear the things we cannot understand or control. Just look at how we stop and hang our mouth open in astonishment, when the waves grow tall and strong, showing us their mightiness. Yet, once we feel them growing closer to us, daring to catch us in their whirlwind of waters, we back away in fear. Either because we cannot understand why such waves grow big, either because we can do nothing under their presence – both fear and admiration mix. Hani was feeling that way too, despite struggling to hold it all in. The last thing she wanted was to add more insecurity to Jungkook and his wolf. She was there to help, to somehow, become a link or middle ground that Jungkook was searching for in order to connect with his wolf. Her legs were so wobbly, all it took was for the wolf to press his snout, gently, on her, for the girl to come crumbling down. Hani's knees hit the ground rather harshly and her head bowed, her eyes locking with the grass under her feet. It seemed that the universe was forcing Hani to bow to the powerful wolf. Slowly, she raised her head. Shakingly, her eyes longed to meet his. When they did, quickly his name left her lips.

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