18: Before our time

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"As you know, before there were packs, wolves roamed around the world by themselves. They fought amongst each other, had no notion of unity. There was no one to unite them, to lead them, to teach them wrong from right, to open their eyes to the greater things in the world. There was no one they had respect for besides themselves. Greedy creatures they were. Until, one night, the Goddess decided to send down to earth a born leader. Someone to unite the wolves, to lead them; someone for them to admire and shape themselves to their image. That night, full of thunder and rain, the first True Alpha was born under the guidance of the moon. We were born, Jungkook. We, were the first. We grew in the cave, just the two of us. The cabin you were in, was built with your own hands. One day, we decided to ventured off into the woods outside and you met her – Hani. You showed her the cave and the cabin you had built, she decided to stay. And then, other True Alphas started showing up. One after the other, they would arrive at the cave; drawn to the place like you both were. At that time, however, True Alphas were seen as normal wolves; they had no legacy, nothing of divine in them. They formed packs, had their families and their friends. You and Hani watched them all, guided them and offered shelter to those who were lost. We were happy and great deeds we made with our hands; far more than I can recall. And then, one day, disaster struck us. It was a winter day, snow was covering the ground and you and Hani were out on a stroll. It was the first time it was snowing on those woods outside of the cave. She was excited to see it and to feel the softness of the snowflakes on her fingers. You heard something and worried, you decided to check it. You left her behind, the girl crouched down as she drew patterns on the snow. And naively, believing no one else existed or knew about those woods, you left her on her own. It was only when you heard her calling your name, that you realized something was wrong. You ran as fast as you could, we both did but it was all in vain. We found her laying on the floor, blood was pooling under her; tainting the whiteness of the snow. We tried to do something, stop the bleeding. We called her name so many times and she never responded. All that she did was stare at us through her pale, numb, light brown eyes; hoping to remember our features even after she was gone. We cried enraged as we held her, screaming and cursing at whoever had stolen her from us. It was later on that night that they found us – our pack. They had to rip us away from her and, even then, we refused to let go; even when her body was as cold as the snow under our feet, even when she was as white as the snowflakes that fell... We clutched onto her, believing she was still there but all that was in our arms was the memory of her existence. We hid in the cave for the rest couple of days that we had left. Curled up in a corner, crying uncontrollably. Begging the skies to be fast, be as cruel to us as they had been to her and just rip life from us in a single blow. Until finally, by the time spring was blossoming, the weather heating up and the flowers blooming, the trees bearing fruit; we died. It was through us that they found out the vulnerability in the bond that connected True Alphas and their mates. We were the first to go and, soon, the rest followed. All of them were hunted down, slaughtered by those jealous wolves. Vile creatures. No one was left to continue the bloodline of True Alphas and just like how the snow melted to let the flowers blossom; we were erased from space and time. Yet, somehow, the Goddess had a change of heart and decided to give us a second chance. Or, perhaps, you proved the Goddess that we deserved a second chance, Jungkook. That Hani and you did. When you fought against the injustice, when you refused to turn a blind eye to your family's murder... you proved the Goddess you deserved a second chance. You proved to her you had learned and so, she joined me with you, again." Jungkook was frozen in his place, hearing Ares talk. All of the memories were coming back to him, all the emotions were awakening in his, once, slumber and forgetful heart. "When they came into the pack, asking to see the females; you felt the exact same thing you did, when you walked away from her on that snow morning. And you just reacted impulsively, your body and mind still trapped on that day. It was as if they had been the ones to kill her back then. Perhaps, the guilt that cradled you was so intense, you turned it into everyone who slightly irked you. All that I have ever done was follow your command. You felt the anger, I just acted it. And when you received the letter, inviting you to go to her pack; that little sparkle you felt igniting inside you, was a sign that you were going to see her again. And as blindly as you fell for her in the past, you fell for her then. Even though, it was not the first time you two had met."

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