07: Paths

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"We were attacked at the forest because of me" Jungkook wasted no time in explaining Hani exactly why, such awful things were happening to them. Now, that the words were flowing naturally and boldly from his mouth; Jungkook feared that if he stopped, he'd no longer be brave enough to speak. "Me and Ulric, the alpha from the pack, have known each other for a really long time."

Hani shivered, a bone-chilling breeze running down her spine. She truly hated hearing the name. It brought back memories of him, of the nights he spent back at the cabin with her father. The sly glances he stole at her, the way he tried to sell her empty promises, how he tried to deceive her into believing he was the right choice for her. Hani didn't want those memories, she wanted them completely gone from her mind. Erased, leaving no traces behind. Jungkook was, supposedly, her way out of those memories; the escape from Ulric that she had so desperately been looking for. Yet, she suspected, that a trace of him still lingered in her; waiting for the right time to terrorise her again. When Hani saw him, back at the forest, a heavy rain fell on her; washing away all the hopes of a life without no traces of him. The way he was gazing at Jungkook, was more than enough for the girl to understand that, even his mate, somehow, was connected to Ulric. Still, there was a part of her that hoped that she was seeing things. That she was over analysing the situation. But hearing the words come out of Jungkook's lips – hearing the confirmation of a past that bonded them – terrified her to the core. For if Jungkook shared a past with him, especially, one that was not kind; then, Hani had to tell him that she, too, knew Ulric. That she, too, was a target in his map of bodies.

"Do you remember what I told you about the night I lost my parents?" Hani nodded her head but she couldn't seem to understand what that had to do with Ulric. Jungkook delicately grabbed her hands, his fingers were tenderly wrapping themselves around hers. Nervousness was pooling in his eyes. "Ulric was the one, I couldn't kill and, yet, he was the one that deserved the most to die"

Hani was putting the pieces together in her brain. The conversation Ulric and Jungkook had with each other in the forest was replaying in her head. The threats they had made to each other, the mention of Jungkook's parents' death, the way Ulric's pack was killed. Suddenly, everything was starting to make sense.

"I don't really know how to explain everything to you... I never really told anyone before" Jungkook sighed and for a few moments, he closed his eyes; enjoying the silence in the room. He didn't want to lose his mind, his conscience, to the memories that, even on that day, were still piercing his heart. He knew that, if he allowed himself to go back there, pain would strike him harder, like as if it was the first time he was living that moment. "As I told you, me and my family lived in a pack only for Alphas. They didn't accept anyone else, yet, my parents lived there. The Alpha of that pack and my father were friends, had known each other since they were kids. My father told me that, it was the Alpha's father that had found him when he was kid. He was abandoned in the woods, was by himself all his life. My father lived in the woods up north by himself and, one day, an Alpha and his men found him. He said that, since he had been by himself his whole life, his first instinct was to run away. In the midst of escaping from there, my father ended up on another pack. The exact pack that group of men were searching for. They offered him a place to stay, as a reward for helping them find that place. On the next day, the men left and killed the pack my father had found. My father never asked why they were after that specific pack. They just told him that it was filled with monsters and, therefore, they had to be extinct"

"And your father stayed?"

Hani asked curiously. She was immersed in the story Jungkook was telling her. The girl was taking mental notes at everything that he told her and she couldn't help but notice how certain things were familiar to her. As if she had heard this story, somewhere before.

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