41: Justice

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"So, let me see if I have gotten this straight" Yoongi stated, as he got up from the chair to reach the spot in the map Jungkook was pointing to. Around the table, the other boys, Hani and Fai listened attentively to the Alpha's plan. "The place you want to bring us is a cave. It has one entrance, which is the exit. Ulric knows the existence of this place, since he attacked you and Hani there. And all of us, are supposed to go there to fight him. Literally, we will be at an arm's reach from him, Jungkook.... not to mention, that from your description, the place is really restricted movements wise. It's too small. We are easy targets."

"If he knows we are there" The Alpha fired back, reenforcing the element of surprise he was betting the whole operation on. "He doesn't expect me to go back there, I can assure you. Like you said, it's close to his territory, he knows how to get there and those are the same reasons why he believes I won't go. Because I'm not the type to gamble, I have always play it safe. Plus, the fact that its secluded comes to our advantage. They can't sneak in easily, like they did in our pack. In case of being attacked, we can trap them and hide in the tunnels. It's easier to keep everyone and everything in check there. And, if we want to strike him, we are just an arm's reach away, indeed. Which, then again, makes it easier for us to escape, control his scouting groups and so on."

"That doesn't seem that bad of an idea..." Namjoon added while he stared at the map full of circles and... doodles which Fai kept on drawing, despite how many times Hani had told him to stop. "However, the most important question is still, how do we get there, without letting Ulric know we are leaving our pack. How do we reach that place without catching their attention? We are a big group..."

"And there's still people deciding if they are coming or not" Calmly, Jimin pointed out. "Only tomorrow will we know how many we can count on. Not to mention that there's children coming along. We are not an army. We can't afford to hurt our most vulnerable and fragile members"

"I have a few ideas. The first half of the journey is the easiest, I believe." Fai reached out his hand towards Jungkook and, as he explained the plan, the Alpha handed the toddler the pencils he wanted. This time, the toddler was interested on the pink pencil and, as soon as Jungkook gave it to him, he started drawing circular pink shapes around the map. Gladly, Jungkook had done his annotations with a marker, so he could erase the toddler's little artwork once he got bored. "We'll leave in the middle of the night. We'll advance towards Ulric's territory in wolf form. Those who cannot shift go on the other's backs. Once we enter Ulric's territory, we can form five squads which circle around the main group containing those more vulnerable. One at front, one at the back, two on the flanks and one who moves and controls the area through the trees. Most likely, we will have to camp out the night, depending on what speed the group is moving. In that case, we'll form groups to scout the surrounding area. Our goal is to arrive safe, not fast."

"Yeah, but still taking too long will enhance our vulnerab-"

The knock on the door interrupted Hoseok's words. Immediately, all their heads turned toward the sound, but none of them moved; instead, they glanced at Jungkook and waited for his instructions. With a gentle nod of the head, Jungkook motioned them to go open the door. People had been showing up the whole day, one after the other, in an incessant stream. They came to alert Jungkook about their decision, if they were either staying or going with him. The conversation to some was short, just a simple exchange of words. Others were complicated and complex, many members of the pack felt torn between the options that they had available. Although they wanted to leave, they had nowhere to go; and some had a place to go, however, they didn't think they'd be as safe there as they would be if they followed their Alpha. It was a tricky situation to say the last, and throughout it all, both Jungkook and Hani remained compassionate. Compassion was all they could offer, they knew they shouldn't make promises that they can't keep. So, everything was at drift in confusion.

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