25: Red

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A/N: explicition mentions of gore and blood at the end of the chapter, proceed at your own risk. Also, thank you for 2k reads <3

The 6 boys had met by coincidence in front of the pack house. Their eyes widened in surprise and their eyebrows raised in curiosity, once they spotted one another walking on that same path. They would have stopped and stayed, frozen, at the door, staring at each other, dwelling in their confusion and curiosity, if Jin hadn't motioned them to enter with his hand. Following one after the other, they entered the room, each carrying intrigue in their minds. The cabin was silent, it made them all believe no one was there. Yet, as their heads turned to face the long table, shock crashed on them.

Sitting at the long wide dark wood table, mixing with the shadows of the room, The Alpha sat on his tall chair. He was staring into something, neither of the boys could see themselves. His head was slightly bent down, his hands were clasped together on top of the table, and an overwhelming aura left him. Something intimidating and menacing, imbued with determination, and a certain weight of duty squishing on his shoulders, caused his back to bend, but never to break. Raising his gaze slowly, Jungkook's sharp and fiery eyes awakened a sleepiness that had installed in the 6 boys' hearts. In that simple gesture, which lasted for a miniscule second, their minds were reminded of the reason why they chose to follow him. They were reminded of the young boy, fresh off his teens, who carried a look in his eyes incredibly moving and powerful; it, somehow, forced them to trust him, to confide in him, to rely in him. And upon this, their feet hurried, their bodies jolting as if they had been struck by lightning.

Once they were all settled, Jungkook straighten himself in the chair and finally, he faced them directly. Contrasting with his fiery stare, The Alpha's face was visibly painted by tiredness and exhaustion. Anyone could tell by the round circles under his eyes that he had stayed up the whole night. Still, the friends refrained from asking what had happened – even if they were extremely worried about him – , scared that it might trigger an explosion of rage in Jungkook. Through his eagle-like gaze, Yoongi scanned and studied the Alpha while he waited for him to speak. Then, at the exact moment, Jungkook's lips trembled to pronounce the words, the older wolf cut him off, unable to stay silent and put.

"Did you even sleep at all?"

"I didn't ask you to come here so you could pry on my health" Jungkook was clearly irritable, the tone in his voice was rude and abrupt. Glaring, he side eyed Yoongi who, leaned back on his chair, scoffed annoyingly at the boy. "There's an important matter I wish to discuss with y-"

"Yah! You don't expect me to listen to what you have to say, when you can barely keep your eyes open?" Unfazed by the glare, Yoongi scolded the young Alpha; exactly how he used to do when their paths first merged. "Just go home and get some rest. We can discuss this later"

Surprising everyone in the room, Yoongi got up from his seat and, stuffing his hands in the pocket of his jeans, he made his way towards the door. Yoongi's name echoed, the walls of the cabin trembled, and, violently, he turned around.

"Sit down. This might be interesting to you" Quirking his eyebrow in curiosity, a smug smile grew on Yoongi's lips. He strolled back to his seat, his and Jungkook's eyes never detaching from one another, and with a, thud, he let his body fall on the seat. Pleased with the Alpha's reaction, Yoongi nodded his head for Jungkook to proceed with his speech. He'd never admit it, he was too stubborn; yet, his harshness towards Jungkook was necessary and purposeful. That's how Yoongi shaped and taught the Alpha to be assertive, to be confident in his choices. He put him in his spot when no one else had the courage to do so. That's why he threatened to leave, it was a test to see how serious the Alpha was about this meeting, or if it was just him throwing a childish tantrum once again. "As you all know, Ulric paid us a visit yesterday. He came here to taunt me, to mess with me, which by itself is already something that I utterly despise. However, he has showed himself to have become bolder, more daring. He doesn't play by his old rules, neither does he seem to have boundaries to what he uses or not to his advantage. Instead of crumbling our walls from outside, he's doing it from inside this time. He's poisoning the ground right under our feet, so that we can do the job for him and kill one another."

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