20: The scar

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The entry of the medical cabin was full to the brim. The group was so big that they barely fit in the wide and large space. Jungkook and Hani were still perplexed at the newcomers and curiously they watched them from afar. Jin and Daeun ran around stressed, trying to organize the people into the different wards of their facilities, in order to do so, the group had been lined up in multiple rows. The couple approached them and, one by one, they checked them for wounds and bruises. But after a while, they realized it was much harder that way. Instead, they decided to form small groups and they were led into different rooms in where either Jin, Daeun or other lesser doctors would be treating their wounds to the best of their capabilities. Jungkook and Hani helped Jin and Daeun throughout the process, alongside Hoseok and Jimin.

Leaned against the wall, Jungkook had his arms crossed over his chest; his eyes lingered, scanned, examined the group lined up in front of Jin's door carefully. Gently, he held Hani's hands, their fingers wrapping themselves around one another. The girl, too, conducted her own investigation, yet, hers – unlike the Alpha's meticulous and doubt filled one – was one of worry and nurturing nature. She couldn't help but pity the newcomers, and feel compassion for the trials they had faced just to reach hers and Jungkook's territory. She took notice of every jolt of pain, of every worried glanced they threw at one another. The line was moving rather fast, since the injuries were all small or had already healed quite well. As people got treated, they moved back to the entrance of the cabin where Hoseok and Jimin were. Their job was to send the next groups to their designated place while they kept an eye out for those who had already been treated. Suddenly, the Alpha's posture changed. He took a small, a tiny step forward, barely noticeable. Coming towards the line, came an elderly man with the small boy in his arms. Immediately, Jungkook's eyes glued to the child, searching meticulously for the scar once more; as if searching for confirmation that he had actually seen it, and that his eyes weren't just playing tricks on him. Funnily enough, the small boy appeared to be seeking for Jungkook as well; his eyes weren't intimidated by the Alpha's piercing stare, neither did they waver or tremble under his pressuring gaze. They faced him boldly, courageously. From the corner of her eye, Hani caught sight of the little boy too and, following his gaze, she looked back at the Alpha who was silent and focused. The two of them observed the line, the people entering and then leaving Jin's office with fresh bandages and prescriptions for Daeun's herbal medicine. Finally, it came the older man's turn and upon hearing Jin call his name, he became distressed. He looked around somewhat frightened as he held the little boy tightly in his arms. In an impulsive decision, the Luna made her way towards the man and gently, she laid her hand on his shoulder.

"Do you want me to hold him?" She proposed calmly, assuming the man didn't want the boy to be in the room while he was being seen by Jin. Perhaps he was ashamed of his wounds or perhaps they were so gruesome, he didn't wish for the boy to see. "I'll watch over him while you are being checked by our doctor. I'm sure it will be fast."

Swallowing dryly, the elderly man stole a glance at the little boy in his arms. For a few moments he studied the calm child, thinking through his decision very carefully. He mumbled a small 'thank you' to Hani and then, handed her the boy. Hani's breath got caught in her throat when her eyes locked with the toddler's. His eyes were big yet sharp, light green painted them; his hair, messy and ruffled, was black as well. But the feature that had shocked her, was the big bondage on his cheek. It covered his skin from his chin to the spot right under his eye, in a square shape. Delicately, she held his waist and brought him closer to her chest – he was cold. The elderly man's eyes widened, like Hani's, when he noticed how the boy nuzzled himself closer to the Luna. His little hands were clutching onto her jacket tightly, his cheek was pressed against hers and it appeared, that he was melting into Hani's embrace and warmth. All of him wrapped itself around her and a big puff of air dripped from his lips, as he laid down his head on the Luna's shoulder, shielding his face in her neck.

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