58: An Alpha's will

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A/N: thank you so much for 13k <3

When Hani woke up the morning after, The Alpha was no longer in bed. Tiredly, still drowsy, the girl lifted her head from the pillow; her naked body was tangled in the sheets, the white sheets that splattered with blood had been gently draped over her. With her eyes squinted, attempting to adjust to the summer light, she searched for Jungkook. It didn't take long to find him. The sounds of things moving and grazing the wooden floor of their house lead her eyes towards him. He had tied his dark hair on the top of his head – a habit he had acquired since his hair had gotten longer -, only in his underwear, sitting on the floor, Jungkook held Fai's toys in his hands. She couldn't decipher what was running on his mind. In fact, he did seem to be pensative over something. His whole face was stern, his muscles were flexed and his eyes were sharp. He didn't move and he was dead silent. Not even his fingers trailed the toys, neither did he seem to be organizing them or analysing them; it just seemed that the Alpha was dwelling on them, debating with himself about what to do. Hani growing worried, reached for her underwear from under the bed and swiftly, she put it on before leaving it. Barefoot, her footsteps tapped gently the floor; so lightly it was her touch, that they didn't creak or whine under her. Then, she approached him and slowly, she sat on the floor next to him. Softly, her lips pressed against his cheek, awakening the Alpha, somber and dark, from his own thoughts. Immediately, at the feeling of her warmth lips on his skin, Jungkook's eyes grew softer, gentler, milder. The toys were placed back on the floor and smiling to the utmost of his capacities at that moment, Jungkook wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to his chest.

"I'm sorry about last night" Those were the first words he told her, that morning. Hani raised her head to face him and the Alpha left a quick kiss to her forehead before he started brushing the messy strands of her hair back to their place. "I just... I was over my head"

"Are you apologizing for everything that happened last night..." Rather cheeky, the Luna inquired him as she peppered his chin with kisses. "or just parts of it?"

"Well, not everything" Chuckling, the Alpha's cheeks flushed briefly a dark shade of red, yet, quickly, he ushered them off by, once more, sinking his own self in the emotions he felt ripping him apart. "I don't like screaming at you, and you don't deserve it. None of what happened was your fault and yet, I was lashing it out on you, in a way. And I'm sorry that you had to see me in that state... the blood a-"

"I said it's fine. I understand. And, trust me, I want to move on from it. I want to put it behind us. And, I know it might take time, Jungkook but we have to start somewhere, don't we? Beginnings don't have to necessarily be perfect, in order to have a desirable outcome. Big mistakes can lead to beautiful things and vice-versa." Weakly, Jungkook nodded his head and his eyes were drawn back to the toys he had, previously, been holding. Hani studied him in silence for a few moments, until she found the right words to ask him. "Thinking of him?"

"Yeah..." Jungkook's voice was heavy, although, fragile and frail. "I'm always thinking of him, it's hard not to. I think that's why this is being so tough to me, why it is so... devasting to even think about saying goodbye. Because that means I have to say goodbye to a part of myself, as well. I can't even... f*ck, I can't even put these away and they are just toys! But it's like if I put them away, store them in a box, I'm doing the same to Fai and the memories I have with him, do you understand?"

"We don't have to put them away." Tenderly, Hani reassured Jungkook who, by then, was already trembling and vibrating with fresh new ravenous emotions, ready to overspill and explode. Her hands touched the dragon plushie he was holding, her fingers brushed against his and Jungkook, enticed by her actions, patiently waited for her guidance, in the matters of the heart. "I don't want to shove these in a box, or hide them in a wardrobe. I was thinking that maybe we could just... place them back in the playroom. Find a nice place for them in the shelves... set up that drawing kit you got for him. It might help us. And you can go there whenever you want to look at them and think about how much you miss him. I'll be there right by your side."

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