31: Visitor

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The night was cloudy, void of all stars. If, perhaps, the girl's attention happened to look up, she'd notice the absence, the lack of light in the sky; yet, Hani's mind was somewhere else as she curled up against Jungkook's chest. Delicately, she traced soft patterns on his skin, breathing slowly at the same rhythm as him. Both of them were still concentrated on the events that had unfolded hours prior; they still doubted that their choice was the right one.

Like it had been planned, the 6 boys showed up at their front door, soon after the sun had settled completely in the horizon. Hani and Jungkook led them to the secret steel-plated room, so that they could discuss their next move in peace. The Alpha didn't take a seat, instead he stood determinately next to the map he had hanged on the wall. In it, he had traced all the different packs that worked side by side with Ulric, adding small doodles and notes with information regarding their connection. It was a long discussion; the group was divided. Possibly it was the effect of the responsibility and pressure on their shoulders or the absolute hunger for victory that imbued Jungkook's words; something, indeed, was making it harder for all of them to come to a decision. They were torn between two similar packs, which were only distinguishable by their size. Yoongi wanted to go all out and stated that it was smarter to bet on a big blow, since there's a chance that it might intimidate Ulric, causing him to back away. Jungkook and Hani, on the other hand, thought it was too risky; sternly, they made their point, saying that: if they attacked a small, rather insignificant, part of the puzzle, most likely Ulric wouldn't pay much attention to it. Eventually, they complied to the mate's suggestion, choosing to target the small pack first. With that solved, the boys' left, after Jungkook established a date, a day to meet that pack's Alpha.

Now, laying in bed, they reconsidered their choice. Jungkook wouldn't admit it, but moving forward with this war, made him restless, worried. It had taken him so long to get to that point and it was something he had always wanted. This revenge was the reason why he built a pack. Yet, his initials goals were long forgotten, once he and Hani met. The pack was no longer rooted in a grudge, neither was it made of warriors like he wished to; it was soft, mellow, family-like, to some it was a shelter. How was he supposed to do this, when nothing pushed him to do it? By his side, Hani's thoughts mimicked his. She too felt unsure, worried and, even if she tried to hide it, it was clear she was terrified. The last thing she hoped for was a war, especially when there was still so much, they didn't know about themselves. Wasn't it too risky? Her mother's journal had arisen even more unanswerable questions and Hani couldn't help but feel that, somehow, she was being marionetted by fate; pushed to stumble in blindly into death.

"What's on your mind?" The Alpha asked, leaving small wet kisses down the girl's neck. She hummed in response, leaning her head slightly backwards, so that he could trail his lips slowly on her. "You seem... troubled"

"Troubled... Isn't thoughtful, the best word to describe it?"

"You know I'm not good with them" He chuckled against her skin, which vibrated under him in obedience. Hani tangled her hands in his dark locks and lovingly, she started massaging his head, offering a bit of comfort to him which, she knew, was trapped in his own thoughts as well. "I might not be a good speaker, but, I like to think I'm a good listener. Of course, I'm good at other things, equally as honourable, like physical combat, any physical activity, matter of fact. I'm good at working with wood, making houses. I'm a good cook. I'm terribly skilled in the art of sex, excellent in making you c-"

"No need to suck your own dick, that's why I'm here" Sassily she replied, raising her eyebrows tauntingly at Jungkook. The Alpha's mouth opened in shock and Hani erupted into laughter, kicking her feet under the sheets in amusement. Scoffing, he rolled his eyes and pulling her closer to him, he muffled her giggles with his kisses. "I was thinking about my mom. I started reading her notebook"

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