57: Thunder, A new story

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A/N: extreme mentions of gore at the end of the chapter and throughout it, read at your own risk. But above all, enjoy.

When we think of thunder, we think of it as one who walks hand in hand with rain. However, that thunder, that type of storm, occurs due to meteorological causes. It does not strike amazement or fear, for we understand why it befalls on us. But the thunder on that night, roared by itself, perhaps, by magic. Lightning crashed on the earth at the same time the True Alpha's feet collided with the ground. A dark aura radiating from him, contrasted with the explosions of light carried by the thunder. In the darkness, only them alerted Jungkook's presence to those who dared to cross paths with him, glance at his figure, get caught in his wrath.

Out of the cave he went, ignoring the curious eyes from his pack members that were on night duty. They watched his figure, tall, broad, intimidating and determined disappear through the vegetation. Foolishly, they believed Jungkook was going on a night stroll to clear his head. Yet, the True Alpha, triggered by the Luna's statements, freed from his own chains, was pulsating, vibrating with adrenaline, with wrath, with fury. He was desperate for revenge, similarly, to how he had been on the night he lost his family. His heart, wild and ravenous like the thunder above his head – his companion in battle – beat so distinctively, one would not be able to discern which was more menacing – the lighting, or the Alpha's will.

The night was terrifyingly dark, the vegetation around those parts withered and intertwined eerily, offering the perfect veil, the perfect setting for Jungkook to let loose, for the first time. With ease, therefore, he sneaked inside the pack. They all slept profoundly and peacefully believing to have, at last, found the breaking point in the Alpha's Mountain, in his fortress. They were certain it had broken him, it had shattered his determination, faltered his strength, withered the red in his eyes – afterall, hadn't that been the case with Hani in the past? They thought wrong. Instead of taming him, they had caused a storm.

Unbeknownst to Hani, Jungkook's mind had not only been focused on Fai as he dwelled on the events of that day. Not only was he relieving the memories he shared with the toddler, mulling on his regrets and 'what ifs'; The True Alpha, as he re-played the events, memorized faces, scents, traces. Finally, they became useful. Directly to his cabin, Jungkook's feet guided him. In front of a small shabby house, the True Alpha's face hardened, his features darkened. Convulsing with poison, trembling with revolt, round and around, Jungkook circled the cabin. A window caught his eyes, quickly, he broke it. The sound stirred people awake, but, the feeling of overconfidence, of a safety that even followed them in their sleep, lullabied them right back. Jungkook was bitter. How could they sleep peacefully after the things they had done? How could they be allowed to close their eyes and dream happily, while he was constantly tormented by the things he had done, the pain he had caused, the images of dead of all those he had lost? Angrily, he approached the bed, his hands clutched the sheets and then, suddenly, Jungkook froze. It was not a moment of faltering, of weakness, neither of hesitation. The sight only added more fire to his eyes. For in front of him, the one behind Fai's death was sleeping leisurely, happily with his mate and a small boy that, in between them, clutched onto his father. And that's where the Alpha lost it, completely. Long forgetting mildness and balance, Jungkook devoted himself solemnly to the jealously, to the anger he felt. Why were those who hurt him allowed to have a family, and not him? They murdered his son; that was the right word – murdered. They were vile, vengeful monsters and yet, they were permitted to keep their family. After days and days of killing and slaughtering, with open arms and with light chests they'd be welcomed home. But Jungkook... Jungkook who had been trying all those years to chain his primal instincts, who had put so much work into being the best mate, the best Alpha, the best leader, the best father... couldn't he keep his family? Could his sins not even be atoned then? For a second, a brief period of the day?

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