23: Details

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Sighing annoyingly, the Alpha rolled his eyes at the sound of hurried steps that inched closer to him. With his signature demeanour and pretentious aura, he trailed calmly into the territory he called his. He was more than certain of which figure was jogging to catch up to him but he didn't slow his steps, neither did he show any sign of halting them. Snickering, he touched his bruised neck and cursed under his breath at how sore it felt. He could still taste blood in his mouth – that steel-like taste he was awfully familiar with. Stretching his neck, he tried to ease the pain, yet, it appeared that it only caused his muscles to rip themselves apart even more. 


Arne called out, huffing and breathing heavily. Ulric threw him a side glance, showing no interest in his worried beta. Unbothered by his presence and without ever telling him a word, Ulric continued on walking deeper and deeper into the forest. Meanwhile, Arne couldn't help but feel fidgety, unsettled; as if something bad was brewing under his nose and he couldn't see, only sense it. 

Ulric rarely left his pack. It came as a shock for everyone when that morning they woke up to find their Alpha gone. Arne had gone around the pack asking for him or if anyone had accompanied him to wherever he went. He was surprised to know – utterly baffled – that Ulric had left by himself spontaneously, without letting anyone know where he marched to. It was with nervous expectation that they waited for him to arrive. However, quickly it arrived to Arne's ears that Ulric had been seen walking, apparently aimlessly, in the forest nearby. Hastily, the beta plunged into the dark and somber wilderness in search of his Alpha and at last, he found him. But not even then did his worry or curiosity fade. No, it only increased. For the first thing he noticed, was the set of fingers carved aggressively into Ulric's neck; forming deep red and purple shades that caused chills to run down the body of all those who saw them. Easily he figured out who had caused such damage. The marks of aggressiveness and rage were now notorious, had a fame of their own that no other could be compared to. The only one that was ever able to scar the vile wolf that marched by his side proudly and godly-like. 

"I can't believe you went by yourself to see him.... He could have killed you in a flash"

"I'd have him under the sole of my feet, before he ever laid his hands on me" Ulric dryly laughed, due to how painful his throat felt. Arne peered at him, stared directly into the madness that built its home in the Alpha's eyes. "I'm always two steps ahead of him. I must be. I'll never show hesitance or mercy like he does. He has let me live before, I'll make sure he regrets it. But don't drown your head in these ridiculous fears Arne... we are leading the race, plus, I only went by his pack to pay a friend a visit."

"A friend?"

Arne asked confusedly, yet, frightened at the proud smile that grew mischievously on Ulric's lips. The Alpha's gaze fell on him and a devilish glow illuminated the dark forest around them. Arne's body froze, his feet became numb and for moments, he believed life had slipped from his grasp. So devilish was the glow, so utterly evil, it didn't require words to explain what swirled behind it. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Arne detached his eyes from Ulric's. 

Their feet crushed the dead leaves and twigs on the floor. Although spring was around the corner, nothing beautiful grew on those parts of the woods. Sometimes people believed the woods were a curse, or place a curse had been laid upon. Perhaps a long time ago, Arne thought, there were flowers in there, big and green trees, plants of all shapes and sizes. Perhaps it even snowed, and on lucky days the sun came bursting through the darkness, illuminating everything that was hidden under the shadows. All these thoughts ran through the beta's mind as he accompanied his Alpha. Scrunching his eyebrows in confusion, Arne turned around and scanned the place; he opened his mouth to ask where they were going, yet, the sight in front of him offered him a hint, despite not being sure of what answer was it for. 

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