34: Thread

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Hani stumbled her way back up, clutching Fai tightly in her arms, her mind was blank. Daejung's face was covered in cuts from the silverware that had shattered on him. His eyes were sharp, hard, they glowed a bright orange Hani had never seen before. Snarling, the boy marched forward, more beast than man. The girl was panting, her heart frenetically ripped itself apart in panic. She tripped on her own feet, as she increased the space between them, looking around the room hopelessly, searching for a way out. Once more, she aimed for the door. For a second, her eyes left him. A fleeting, minimal, second. Yet, that was all the time, Daejung needed to shift into his wolf form. Hani gazed at him, terrified. The kitchen revolted against him, the things fell from the cabinets, the fruit was smashed under his feet, the lights flickered. A brown wolf took their space, now. An angry beast who burned with rage, thirsty for slaughter. Hani's feet quickened, she sprinted out of the kitchen into the leaving room. Around her, things shattered and broke. The wolf, Daejung, hunted her down in the cabin. Raging, he followed her, destroying the things he touched, aimlessly. She dodged the shards that flew; whenever, her legs gave out, rapidly she'd pull herself back up. The door was just at an arm's reach and that's, when a pair of claws scratched past her leg. Unbalanced, Hani's knees collided with the floor and limping, slightly, she tried to reach the doorknob. Daejung grabbed her leg and harshly, he pulled at it, dragging her body across the floor. Fai, somehow, was still being sheltered by her, completely unharmed and safe. Frenetically, Hani kicked the wolf in the head, screaming in frustration. It seemed to do the trick and, at the first opening, the first weakening of his grasp, Hani, abruptly, escaped. Staggering, she reached the door. The doorknob turned and, as she opened, a figure burst inside – Jungkook.

Fuming, the Alpha entered, bringing with him a rage that shook the house to its foundations. For a slight moment, Daejung's orange eyes trembled, upon meeting the blood red eyes that pierced into him, mercilessly. It was no sign of hesitation, neither of opportunity. In a flash, Jungkook lunged forward and grabbing the baffled wolf by its neck, he threw him against the wall to his right. Hani glued her body to the wall and, letting out the breath she had been holding, all strength left her legs. Daejung, unfazed by the blow, leapt towards Jungkook. Their bodied clashed, Jungkook was pushed against the table. Tightly, he held Daejung by his shoulders, keeping his ravenous jaws away from him. The more he pushed, the more the other fought back. The Alpha was able to push him away, yet, Daejung was persistent and he sprinted, even faster, this time. However, wittily, Jungkook, already expecting such a move, waited for the right time to dodge and the wolf, came clashing with the table, diving it in two. Blood dripped from his fangs, his brown fur was splashed with the gruesome colour. The wolf whined in pain and became still, on the floor. The Alpha looked over his shoulder, his eyes going wide and vulnerable. His heart skipped a beat, similarly to how we forget a step on the chairs, and stumbling on his feet, fumbling, rotating, falling we come. Hani's eyes stared into his, blank, yet, glossy – terrified. Despite how brutally her hands trembled, it was with an overwhelming determination that she covered the toddler's ears. Fai was completely hidden by Hani's arms, curled up against her chest; his small hands grasped her shirt, his eyes were closed shut. Jungkook froze, feeling his hands and feet suddenly, become numb. All his walls crumbled down, all of him became defenceless for his focus was no longer on the skin he wanted to rip apart - he just wanted to hold them.

For the first time, Daejung saw the fragility the Alpha concealed in him; he wasted no time in taking advantage of it. Jungkook watched in horror, Hani's pupils dilate, realization hit him and luckily, he was able to stop the wolf in time, before his fangs came sinking on his neck. The floor tremored underneath the girl's feet, once Jungkook's body collided with it. There barely was any space between the Alpha and the wolf that hovered him, growling and snarling, it tried to move. Jungkook had his hands inside his mouth and desperately, he pushed his jaws open. Daejung shook his head side to side, his jaws quivered under Jungkook's fingertips, fuelled and filled with rage. However, the Alpha was stronger, more fiery than him. It was with a newfound easiness that he won over him and pushing the jaw further and further apart, the sound of bones breaking took hold of the air. The wolf whined in pain and, immediately, he retraced himself from Jungkook, fumbling with his paws to get up and create some space between them. But the Alpha wasn't letting him go that easily and groaning in displeasure, he dragged the wolf like a dead corpse, sliding him, purposefully, through the broken wood shards that pierced agonizingly into his skin. Then, climbing on top of him, Jungkook's hands harshly grasped his neck, squeezing the veins together, forbidding the passage of even the smallest atom of air.

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