33: Panic

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A/N: mentions of gore and blood, proceed at your own risk

The sun was setting in the horizon by the time The Alpha arrived back at the pack. He cursed frustratingly, stomping his feet angrily as he marched towards Daeun's and Jin's medical facility. Since early morning, Jungkook had been leading a search party who was in charge of finding any traces of whoever had, in fact, killed Zhelan. It all seemed to be in vain and nothing had changed, which only came to increase Jungkook's suspicion that perhaps they had a traitor amongst them. Daeun noticed the tension that her mate and Jungkook carried, so she refrained herself from asking questions, for she too was burning up with the fears the day had brought to the surface. The Alpha only appeared to relax once his eyes found Hani and Fai in the room. The boy was clutching onto the Luna's arm, staring warily at the toys that were scattered on the bed and which Hani tried to coax him into playing with. His ears caught the sound of the door opening and, peeking from Hani's shoulders, the toddler's eyes met Jungkook's. Hastily, the Alpha hid his frustration and worries away from them and, mustering all the energy he had in him, he painted himself in a fleeting mask of safety and comfort. Hani's eyes studied him carefully, knowing better than anyone else, what mask the Alpha wore on his face; since it was the same one she wore on hers. Leaning down, Jungkook pressed a loving kiss to her forehead, stealing a quick one from her lips right after. Smiling softly, Jungkook brushed Fai's hair with his hands, to which the toddler, immediately responded to, by grabbing Jungkook's hand with his own.

"Daeun got you all these toys and you don't like any of them?" Jungkook asked, coating his voice with a childish tone; he ruffled the toddler's hair, as if attempting to shake away the bad memories that haunted his brain. He sat down next to them and pursing his lips in thought, he sneaked his hand under his sweatshirt's pocket and, swiftly, he pulled out the wooden wolf that had been forgotten on the cabin. Locking his eyes with Fai, gently Jungkook reached out the wolf for him to take. "Were you waiting for this one? It kept you safe didn't it? If it did, then you shouldn't leave it behind, okay?"

It wasn't a question, yet more like a statement that both only him and the boy knew, as if it was a promise made a really long time ago and only them, remembered it. With effect, Fai, whose eyes sparkled at the Alpha, took the wooden wolf from his hands, sheltering it exactly, where it belonged – in his arms. The other toys were left behind, Fai didn't pay any mind to them. The only thing he treasured was the wooden wolf, pressed tightly against his beating heart. He held it with the same desperation and protectiveness, with which he clung to the mates, and the mates to him.

The three of them left the cabin, soon enough. It was terribly silent outside and with a frighteningly rush, the sun ran from the sky. Hani stared at the scenery estranged, lost at the sight. It was unusual to see the pack lifeless, colourless; it caused chills to ran down her spine and a pressuring sadness to settle on her heavy heart. The Alpha scanned the pack with his eyes, while they made their way home. Every corner, every door, every breeze that whistled stronger than it was supposed to. Everything to him resembled a threat. Panicking, he looked around, behind him, checked if Hani and Fai were okay. He held them tightly, not leaving any space separating the two of them from him. And until his foot entered the cabin, he remained tense, vigilant, alarmed. Even when he did enter into the dark and cold house, the panic and dread lingered on his body, so, thoroughly, he examined it; and only after checking that nothing had been moved, that no one but them was inside, only then did he, finally, relax.

They spent the last few hours of sunlight in the living room, glued to each other. The Alpha was sitting on the couch, dwelling on the events of that day, searching, rather desperately, in his mind for probable traitors that his eyes might have ignored. He hunted for moments in his mind that could be suspicious, words he had overheard, signs, traces. 'There has to be something', he kept on telling himself. Still, no matter how much he thought and analysed his memories, nothing stood out to him. From time to time, he'd let out a huge sigh from his lips; his head would fall, he'd close his eyes and harshly, he'd grip his dark locks. At his feet, Hani was sitting on the floor with Fai on her lap. The toddler grabbed the wolf on one hand, while his other hand clutched onto Hani's arm. Silently, she observed him, somewhat resembling a doctor when faced with a new patient. She wrote down in her mind every single one of his moves, reactions, perhaps, she believed that way she'd know what to do to help the toddler forget about the events. Fai was aware of the worried glances the girl was giving him, so, from time to time, as if sensing her troubles, he'd snuggle closer to her. Chuckling softly, she'd press a kiss to the top of his head and sweetly, she'd mumble a small 'thank you' to the boy. Like that they stayed, numb to the hours that passed. In a sense, it seemed that the mates were waiting for something to happen – a moment of realization. Yet, it never came and just as they were about to give up, a knock echoed on the house.

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