32: Terror

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A/N: explicit descriptions of gore and blood, read at your own risk

The sky was clearing up, the darker blue melted into the rays of gold and honey that touched it. The pack was calm, peaceful, uneventful. They still had a few hours to go before their day began. However, Hani and Jungkook were violently awaken by a terrible scream that echoed through the territory; the birds fled from the trees and even the clouds, appeared to vanish, frightened by the scene. Abruptly, they jumped from the bed and stumbling and fumbling they tried to get ready as fast as they could. Hani was tripping on her feet while she ran, desperately trying to catch up with Jungkook who sprinted through the cabins. Her heart had a life of its own and it hammered against her chest, blocking all sound and noise from her ears. The Alpha's body was shaking, trembling aggressively with adrenaline, his hands were balled into fists and his eyes were wide open, too on edge to even blink.

The first thing they saw was a member of Taehyung's patrol group, crouched down in the small makeshift hallway that two cabins created. He had his back facing them and Jungkook rushed towards him, desperate to find out what happened. A woman was sitting on the floor, she hid her face in her hands. Her shoulders went up and down and weak sobs left her lips. By her side, a basket of warm bread was on the floor, it looked like it had fallen from her arms, judging by how it was sprawled all over the dirt and the grass. The mates observed the scene, feeling themselves bit by bit become more relaxed. However, the sound of hurried footsteps approached them and, as Jungkook turned around, unfortunately, his eyes caught the sight of blood. Hani, soon, spotted it, as well. Hesitantly, she followed it with her eyes ignoring the questions the 6 boys were throwing at her and Jungkook, since they had only just arrived at the scene. The trail of blood continued down the narrow pathway they were standing at, leading to another cabin that was hidden between those two. Once they realized who it belonged to, the mates broke out of their trance and, as if a thunderbolt had befallen on them, they sprinted forward; forgetting the crowd that gathered around the fallen woman. Hani was panting, her throat was burning; her and Jungkook's feet splashed the poodles of blood that stood in their path. Jungkook didn't need to enter to know what was inside. An agonizing smell of blood and flesh covered the air, a smell that, although he was familiar with, was so strong that the Alpha's stomach turned and upturned in complain. Hani, driven blindly by the fear that had held her as hostage, failed to notice the grim aura that left the house. Unconsciously, her hand reached for the doorknob; yet, Jungkook harshly grabbed her wrist, preventing her from opening the door.

"Hani, it's better if you stay here." Sternly, he told her, not as a suggestion, but as an order. However, the girl's eyes sharpened and even harder she gripped the doorknob, refusing to let go. "Whatever happened inside, it's not nice. Hani, please j-"

"This is Fai and Zhelan's house." Fiercely, she faced him; showing Jungkook how terrified and worried she was, yet, unlike other times before, she didn't let the emotion freeze her, turn her useless. "I need to see that they are okay."

The Alpha knew the odds, he knew more than he wished to, to realize, exactly, how the cabin looked inside. Still, for some reason, he let go of her wrist, slowly; swallowing dryly the emotion that threatened to break him down. The door creaked open and the girl naïve and foolish watched all her hopes crumble down, in that simple gesture - in that simple opening of the door. Her hand flew to cover up her mouth, her insides turning and the vomit crawling up her throat. She gagged at the smell, the sight, at the brutality displayed in front of her eyes. The Alpha's eyes widened in shock, unable to process what he was seeing. Jungkook had seen gruesomeness a lot of times in his life - some he had been its own creator - yet nothing compared to what he was seeing. Nothing had ever petrified him like that before.

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