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The sorting hat echoed throughout the great hall.


The last thing I wanted to do was please my parents; they will be over joyed that their precious little Lyra had made them proud by being a Slytherin.

An awkward and staggered applause came from the emerald dressed table as I slowly made my way to a spare seat.

Whispers erupted as soon as I sat down. I saw my sister, Astra, avoid my gaze as she turned her nose up at me.

My green eyes darted around the cold stone walls and scanned over the tables of distinctive colours behind me. Everyone's eyes were on me.

Of course they were.

Who the hell joins Hogwarts at the start of 5th year.

Me. The unruly, insolent child who was ungrateful and selfish; My mother's words.

Being close to pure blood royalty is a life I wouldn't wish upon anyone. The balls and the banquettes appear delightful to the naked eye. The bejewelled ball gowns and delicate tiaras seem spectacular. However the weight of the crown is enough to drown you in even the shallows. Diamonds can trick you, you know. Fill your pockets with enough for a prosperous future, however be dragged under by the weight and roaring tide of responsibilities, expectations, and the masquerade that comes with them.

I however, decided that a future of arranged marriage and a happy facade was not one that I would endure.

My sister, Astra, attended Hogwarts as soon as she turned 11. Although, I had been branded as the 'troubled child' as soon as I could talk.

You see, I didn't want to wear preppy dresses or sit still for a portrait. Learn embroidery and needle work or be seen and not heard. I wanted to be outside in the garden, chasing the butterflies and dipping my feet in the creek. Swinging from my rope swing and setting fire to things with Malcom the ground keepers son. Teaching myself about the stars and constellations. Studying my crystals and healing herbs, and practicing wandless magic, all of which my parents disapproved of. Playing pranks on all my family members was one thing that kept me entertained during the long, hazy summers, however that just got me branded as besmirched and a trouble maker. My sister was older, you see, meaning that she would inherit everything, the entirety of my family's fortune. There was no need for me, I was just background noise. Background noise that soon grew very loud, and very opinionated.

When I had turned 11, my parents decided to continue to home school me. Shut me away from the outside world. They were embarrassed that I was outspoken and frank. Unable to control their little issue, they would drag me kicking and screaming into the nursery, where I would be educated on potions and simple spells. Herbology was where my passions lay, however of course my parents disapproved. Of course they did. I was hardly allowed outside in those following years. My feet would ache to feel the fresh soil of spring between my toes. They would do anything to protect the precious Emerald family name; even if that meant driving their youngest daughter near insanity. Locked up in her room. Isolated from the outside world.

Age 15, my marriage had been arranged already. To a boy I didn't love. Adrian Pucey. My parents wanted to marry their disobedient daughter off as soon as possible. It was after the banquette our two families had one afternoon, where they announced it, that I had decided enough was enough.

Determined not to fall into the same black hole as most pure blood girls I decided I would flee.

With only my wand and a leather satchel containing a blanket, a few galeons, a spare robe and a penknife, I fled.

Leaving the Emerald House seemed like the best idea in the moment however as I started to run out of money and the nights grew colder, my determination began to run dry.

I slept in make shift shelters and in the back of old pubs. Set on never returning to my dreadful family, I would do anything to never step foot in the manor again. Never stare at my old ancestors that looked down at me disapprovingly, from their high positions on the hallway walls. Or never sit, feeling isolated, at the long mahogany dining table, even when we were entertaining numbers of important guests.

Some nights I even slept rough. In people's garden sheds or under bridges. It wasn't the easiest part of my life and some nights I never wish to relive, yet I had no choice if I wanted to escape the torturous future ahead of me.

The problem with having such a notorious family, was that everyone in the wizarding world knew of my disappearance. Most people were looking for me, so I had to be cautious where I went and who I spoke to.

All together I lasted a proud 5 and a half months on my own. Finding work on farms, or selling flowers I had picked and bewitched to sing.

I still remember the night I was getting some rest in the back of an old, dusty pub when a group of wizard private police officers, that my mother had employed, found me. Me, being the headstrong, stubborn teen I was, put up a good fight. In fact the men had to drag me back to the manor and one ended up with a broken nose.

However much I hated my parents views, I was still their daughter, and they did care for me to some extent. Or perhaps it was only the ill repute of having their daughter on the run, chancing her way through life and outsmarting those who had tried to hold her captive.

That was the last straw for my parents. They announced that they would be shipping me off to Hogwarts as soon as they could. Desperate for me to become the perfect daughter they wished I would be. And praying I would make some friends and stay out of trouble. I was too much for them to handle and they had had enough. I had humiliated them, not only in front of the Pucey family, but the entire wizarding world.

Astra, my sister despised me also. She was embarrassed by my obdurate opinions and creative tendencies. And the fact I was coming to Hogwarts made her skin crawl. That's why she was pretending to not know me.

All I wished for was to not be a Slytherin. Pure blood supremacy was woven into the material of those jade coloured ties and I would rather strangle myself with one than wear it.

Much to my dismay however the sorting hat saw right through my vacuous wishes.
Every wizard sitting in this hall knew who I was, what I had done, and who I was supposed to be.

I looked up the table of Slytherins again, each students tie greener than my last name, and I could tell some were disgusted by my rebellious nature. The looks I received from Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass where enough to make milk turn sour. I recognised them from when my sister and I were forced to play with them at grand balls and social, aristocratic events. Unfazed by their attempt at a degrading scowl, I turned my attention to Professor Dumbledore, who was now addressing the entirety of the school.

"Remember students, help will always be given at Hogwarts, to those who ask for it." I remembered him saying, and his words, although not directly addressed to me, lit a sort of flame inside my dark, empty heart. For I had never been offered help in my life, and I rolled my eyes at the prospect.

I already despised it here.

I could feel the eyes of many Slytherins burning into the back of my chestnut curls. The odious whispers still echoed around me and all I could do was hold my chin up high and embrace that I was -although I hated the fact I was- an Emerald. Most highly sought after daughter in the wizarding community. Even though I would only ever marry for love, my family name still stood like shield, with me in its immunity.

They couldn't touch me.

Disobedient -A DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY-Where stories live. Discover now