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AN: guys I apologise so much for how shit I am at updating😭😭😭
Hope u all had a lovely Valentine's Day 💕💕
Music suggestions??
The lakes- Taylor Swift 👑
The last time(Taylor's Version)- Taylor Swift

The fight and the strength

The fight and the strength

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-Lyra Emerald-

We were too young for this. We were all too young for this. The thought danced through my mind as we stood in the courtyard now, the school gathered, death eaters and students watching as Harry's body was brought forward.

I felt Draco flinch next to me, felt his breath grow heavy and his stance turn weak. This was not part of the plan, it seemed. I did not know what the group had schemed, there was not enough time for detailed explanations, not now. Draco had told me, as we darted through the falling rubble, dodging spells and curses only moments before, the sort of plan they had devised. It was rushed and weak and all they could manage with what they had. They had to destroy the snake. Taurus had worked it out.


Like that book Fabian had given me all that time ago.

That was what Draco had called them. It was now I began to realise how much time I had lost, how much difference a year could make. I had been so disengaged, so far far away from it all. It made my heart sink to my stomach.

By killing the snake, the diadem, the cup of Hufflepuff house, something about a locket and a ring, and a diary, the Dark Lord would be weak enough to take down. It seemed someone else had been on our trail, Harry Potter and his friends already dealing with more than half of them. We had been late to the party- they had been late to the party. I was not involved, and it broke me. It was now I realised how useless I had been.

Harry had to be the one to kill him, and as he slumped in Hagrids arms I knew that this was not what was supposed to happen. Something deep and unforgiving, formed before our world had even come into existence was the reasoning, some bond unbroken by fate and time. And Harry had known it all along. So had the Dark Lord it seemed as he stood, unnervingly confident in the ruined courtyard.

"I don't understand." I turned to Draco but his face was so pale, paler than I had ever seen it before and his eyes did not move from Harry's unnervingly still body.

The courtyard was quiet now, no whispers, no spells cast. Quiet. And everyone waited.

The sound of my heart beating ferociously in my chest was loud, so very loud in my ears. My eyes scanned the courtyard and I couldn't see Elio or Willow. Ophelia and Taurus were stood a few steps infront of us, Theo on Draco's right and Blaise now on my left.

"The Cup is destroyed." The Zabini boy breathed, so quietly I thought maybe his words were a whisper on the wind and not truly his voice. Desperately, I wanted to turn to hug him, thank him for all he had done, tell him that even I had missed his snarky comments and unwavering drinking habits. But Draco took my hand, squeezing it slightly, a silent command not to move, not to draw any attention in the crowd of pupils.

Draco was still next to me now, too still. I could feel his ears prick, listening, waiting. What was about to unfold I did not know. Had it all gone to shit? Was the war lost?

"Harry Potter is dead." The Dark Lord taunted and it made me sick to my stomach to think I was ever part of his ranks, ever followed his orders. The entire time I never understood what Harry had to do with anything, never did I ask questions. Following orders was easy when the reasoning was unknown.

It was fate. That was all Draco had time to say before we gathered here, the plan ready to unfold.

We watched as the large, ghastly snake slithered across the courtyard towards its master. It seemed to move like shadows in the night, strong and dark and frighteningly elegant, agile. 

Voldemort seemed to enjoy addressing the crowd of broken students, trying to entice them into his side. My world seemed to slip through my fingers as I realised that we had lost. Perhaps there was no plan now, perhaps it was all for nothing.

I had been here before, this situation. In a dream that felt like a lifetime ago. Here I had stood as I watched as Draco betrayed me, as my friends dropped dead at my feet. It would now be like that now, I reassured myself shakily, but that I could not confirm.

In the crowd I could see Pansy, her face pale and almost unscathed part from the small gash above her left eye. Daphne stood beside her and the two of them linked arms. I wondered how they had fought, which side they had struck down, what decisions they had made. The memory of Astra floated through my head in that moment, and I could almost hear her laugh on the evening breeze that ruffled through the crowd. She would have fought with us, in the end she would've realised how wicked what she stood for really was. I knew it.

"Draco." Lucius spoke now, his voice harsh yet weak in the darkening air. The wizard beckoned with a cruel hand from across the courtyard, willing his son to join him on the death eater side.

My hand tightened around Draco's and I felt his palms start to sweat, his body stiffen. Everyone looked towards him, waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

Something shifted in my heart at that moment, something sore but firm and strong. I knew I loved him before, I had known it for sometime. Yet now, I seemed to feel it in every pore of my body, every inch of my skin. My mind was his, my soul was his. He was my love, my life eternal and I knew that he would not leave my side, I knew that he was not going to walk over to the other side. Because we had made that mistake. We had been young and tender and foolish and weak. And we were not that anymore.

My love looked to me, his eyes holding a deep hope that seemed to resonate through me, absorbing into the blood that rallied through veins. His hand then slipped from mine, my hand turning cold as it hung now empty at my side. Although my breath hitched and my stomach lurched, it was not through fear. It was not that I believed Draco would betray us, for I knew how strong he truly was.

His footsteps echoed through the hushed courtyard as he walked towards the Dark Lord. No one spoke, no one even looked surprised. That broke a little part of me inside. Did I have any idea what was happening? No. But I had faith and love and hope in my heart and I watched as Draco threw Harry a wand, just as Potter flung himself from Hagrids arms. Quickly, he was running, Voldemort's face contorting into a look of confusion, disbelief. Shouts sounded and spells cracked but I could not hear them, I could only watch. Watch as Draco struck the snake, turning it to no more than charred dust floating on a phantom wind.

At that moment the world seemed to blind me, lights, sounds, shrieks. It was as though an asteroid had struck the land and the eternal sun had exploded, colliding with the earth. All I knew was that Blaise and Theo were no longer beside me but beside Draco, with Taurus and Ophelia and Willow and Elio. All of their wands raised and power glistening from their veins. No death eaters moved, they were all blocked by a barrier cast by my friends, allowing Harry time to attack Voldemort, take him down.

Everything was slow for a few moments, peaceful and quiet. Fabian was at my shoulder, standing with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, a cigarette hung loosing from his lips while his unruly dark hair hung over his eyes. Just as I chose to remember him. He was smiling, his teeth glowing white, not red in the way I had last seen them. Carrow didn't speak, or talk to me, reassure me, comfort me. The boy only nodded. And it was enough.

Without looking back at my late friend, I pushed my way through the crowd. My wand raised and I too held the wall. Draco took my hand as we turned to see Voldemort disintegrate into mist and smoke. It didn't quite feel real. It didn't quite feel truly truly real.

And then the world went quiet. And everything happened too quickly and yet excruciatingly slow. So much death and agony and pain had to be cleared up. So much suffering had to be tended to. The horrible horrible aftermath of war was a scent that would never truly leave my senses. And the noises of the pain, the sight of the bodies, would stay with me forever.

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