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-Lyra Emerald-

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-Lyra Emerald-

The new year was different. A new term had begun and classes were becoming more and more stressful, studies ate into my free time and more time was spent in the library than with my friends.

There was also a different, more sadistic aura in the castle. The snow had thawed but no sun was evident in the dreich, monochrome sky, leaving Hogwarts a dull, grey pile of stone.

There was a new headmistress, which was unfortunate as I rather liked Dumbledore. She was sickening; the colour pink reminded me too much of my distorted childhood and she wore it like it was going out of fashion. She also happened to be horrible. A nasty, ghastly women who had such favour towards Astra and her friends, getting them to join some club to suck up her arse, it made her even more unpopular amongst the students.
And course Malfoy had something to do with it it. And speaking of Malfoy I had rarely seen him, only in class but even then the conversation was dry, drained of its usual witty sarcasm and backhanded insults. The night in the Astronomy tower had never been spoken of again.

It was a late Thursday evening in mid January, and in was in the library, attempting to study yet becoming distracted every five seconds. Procrastination was one of my worst traits.

That Granger girl, who I now knew was called Hermione gingerly approached me. She smiled kindly, holding her books close to her chest as she walked up to the table I was working at.

Looking up from my astrology notes, I smiled at her, attempting to look friendly although I knew I had a harsh looking exterior. It surprised me slightly. After what Fabian had told me in the Three Broomsticks, I had noticed a considerable amount of students from other houses purposely avoid me, and him for that matter.

"Hi." She mumbled.

"Hi Hermione, do you want to sit?" I kindly motioned to the chair beside me but she nervously shook her head.

"No thanks, I'm just passing thorough."

"You're friends with Willow aren't you?" I questioned. I had heard Willow talk about her before and was under the impression that they were close.

"Yeah, um..she's my partner in my Potions class and we study together a lot." The brunette exclaimed, tucking a mousy curl behind her ear.

"I don't want to take up your time, I just wanted to thank you. I'm sorry I didn't before. But when you stood up for me in Snapes class...it was really brave of you...so thanks I guess."

"It's no problem." I huffed, smiling as my mind sunk back to the time I presumptuously told Snape what I thought of him. And I'm glad I did so. For if I hadn't, I would never have landed myself a detention with that blonde haired twat.

"And...for what it's worth...I don't believe the rumours about you Lyra." She added, causing me to furrow my brows.


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