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Ps. Listen to august by T swizzle

A thousand times over

A thousand times over

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-Lyra Emerald-

"Fucking stinks in here." Malfoy groaned as he entered through the door of the small cottage.

I rolled my eyes.

"You're so dramatic." I scoffed, ignoring the slightly damp smell that was festering in the rundown kitchen.

Malfoy heaved as he placed his leather bag on the kitchen table, gaging profusely like the snob that he was. It was clear however, this small building had not been inhabited by any sanitary beings for a long time. The kitchen contained only one small table with three chairs, and a little stove tucked away in the corner of the room with a kettle on top of it. It was hardly the grand manor he was used to.

"Are you sure you're going to be able to survive 3 whole nights in here." I chuckled, exaggerating the small number humorously. The Pureblood Prince had never lived in a palace quite this small.

"I don't even think bloody house elves would want to live here." He sighed, gaging again as he opened the door to the left of the small kitchen, to what was presumably a bedroom.

"Bedroom is fucking tiny as well."

At least I was used to sleeping in the back of pubs or under bridges; Malfoy on the other hand only knew silk bedsheets and warm breakfasts in bed. This was going to be a bit of a harsh shock for the sheltered boy.

After putting my small bag on the table, I filled the kettle with water before putting it on to boil.

A rather disgruntled Draco appeared from the bedroom looking even more disgusted than when we arrived.

"So....I'll do the night shift and you can keep watch during the day, that way your sleeping schedule won't be fucked." He said, almost dismissively as he poured himself a cup of tea. "And you better not tell the boys I drink tea." He added, narrowing his eyes threateningly before a smirk grew on his pale features.

It was at this moment we both realised there was only one bedroom.
The Dark Lord must have presumed only one would be needed as we would rest at separate times.

"I can do the night shift." I muttered defensively.

"No I'll do it."

"I can do it Malfoy, Im not a baby." My agitated words filled the kitchen like a bad smell, shocking the boy slightly.

"No I can do it Emerald." The blonde persisted.

"I'll do it." I spoke more sternly this time.

"Lyra, would you just let me do it. So you can sleep."

"But that's the thing Malfoy. Cant you see...I don't sleep." I spat angrily.

It was true. The last time I had a full nights sleep was years ago. Now that my dreams were filled with fear, and horrible memories of my time on the run, alongside nasty snippets of my childhood, sleeping had become almost impossible. Not to mention the the Dark Lords words that were constantly playing over and over in my conscience.

Disobedient -A DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY-Where stories live. Discover now