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"Fuck. Not again." Taurus sighed, placing his pile of cards down on the coffee table in defeat, as Elio showed his hand. A 10, a Jack, a Queen, a King and and Ace of diamonds proudly in his grasp.

Ophelia laughed as she looked up from her magazine, her face was bright and full of life, her blonde curls falling perfectly off her shoulders.

"Again." Taurus spoke determinedly, shuffling the deck of cards and dealing them out again. He didn't like to loose.

"Do you want to play mate?" The sandy haired boy turned to Fabian who was sat on the sofa behind them.

The boy shook his head and Taurus smiled and nodded. I think he knew, I think they all knew.

"Lyra, have you done that Herbology homework yet, if not mine is upstairs if you want to copy it." Elio said while he considered the hand he had been dealt. 

"That would be great...thanks Blishwick." I said, with no intention of returning to that class.

Ever since Astra has died and our life's consumed by Voldemort's obsession with Harry Potter, my friends had realised something was wrong. I was grateful for them, I was. But I think they were trying too hard, making it obvious that they wanted Fabian and I to be okay. I didn't mind, I had missed them, I had. But I think Fabian was finished with it. He thought he was worth better things than friends.

After Astra's funeral, we had returned to school. Fabian and I completing the vanishing cabinet togther. That satisfied the Dark Lord for the while. But we finished it in silence. He was off with me, and I didn't quite know why. Then again, these days, he was off with everyone. And I often wondered if Hermione was still on his mind. She probably was not.

Malfoy had been distant, lonely but by choice. It wasn't worth forcing a conversation, sometimes he just needed to be alone.

I looked around at my friends in the room. We hadn't done this for some time. And it was nice. But soon, this school would be gone, the world as we knew it changed for the worse. And I had played a major role, I had helped build the downfall of everyone I loved, and I would forever hate myself for it. Now, Malfoy and I just needed to work out a way to untangle ourselves from the web of the Dark Lord, a web we were stuck in.

"Do you want a drink?" Taurus held up the bottle of fire whiskey, his face smiling and red. It was a smile that almost spoke; good to have you back, he was saying, If you know what I mean.

My throat closed up at the thought of it. The endless summer nights where fire whiskey had stopped burning were clear in my foggy mind. I did not want to taste it again, the sour aftertaste had lingered in my mouth for too long.

"No thanks." I said softly, laughing as Elio showed his hand again and Taurus gasped in annoyance.

We felt like kids, we were kids.

Disobedient -A DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY-Where stories live. Discover now