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Authors note: hi all, I've been mega busy with school and have exams coming up so soz for late chapter, however will try my best to update asap for u all💚💚
Where we stand

Authors note: hi all, I've been mega busy with school and have exams coming up so soz for late chapter, however will try my best to update asap for u all💚💚Where we stand

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"Am I fuck marrying that winging whore Daphne." Theo slurred as he took another swig from the half empty bottle.

I raised my brows at Malfoy who smirked back at me, shaking his head slightly as his best friend continued on about his deep routed hatred for his future wife.

"Merlin. It's like everything revolves around her. Everything is about her. I can't go anywhere or do anything without her latching onto my arm like a needy limpet. And then she started talking about colours for the wedding, and the guest list and how many children she wants and names and...and I don't get a fucking say in anything. She's worse than my mother." He dragged on, emphasising his words as though he was at his wits end.

Willow, who was looking slightly awkward in this conversation, slapped the mousy brunettes arm. She clearly didn't like it when he talked badly of Daphne. She was pure like that.

"Well, go on then...tell us how long this has been going on for." Willow quickly changed the
subject, looking towards Fabian and Hermione who were sat cozily on the sofa.

Fabian looked mildly uncomfortable, avoiding my gaze still, and nervously fidgeting with his sleeve. A sleeve still hiding his dark inky forearm. A forearm he was more than ashamed of.

A muggle born and a Death Eater. There was no way in hell I could see this ever ending well.

"Em..well...We had to do a potions project together and um..." Hermione started, her face twisting slightly as she tried to get her words in order.

"And then I fucked her in the library." Fabian continued bluntly, looking totally unbothered in comparison to Granger who just about spat her drink out at his forward statement.

"Fair enough." Theo nodded, passing Malfoy a cigarette as he said so, before sending Willow a wink.

I could tell Willow felt guilty. Sleeping with an engaged man. It wasn't like her.

Willow was the kindest soul I'd ever met. I used to believe she was misplaced, and was actually meant to be in Hufflepuff. In fact I used to think her last name was just about the only thing keeping her in Slytherin. But I was mistaken, Theo had brought out a different side to her. A side who, for the first time ever, put herself first. Satisfied her desire, in-spite of who was being hurt in the process. Her Slytherin traits were beginning to fade through, and I couldn't tell if this was going to end in flames.

But I could tell he really cared for her. From the way he glanced at her as she spoke to the way he smiled when his name was spoken from her soft lips, he was mesmerised, consumed. I watched, he couldn't take his eyes off her as she ran a dainty hand through her sandy curls. He was entranced by her beauty, but how could he not be. Her face was just as beautiful as her soul.

Disobedient -A DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY-Where stories live. Discover now