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Authors note:
Hope everyone is enjoying.
This chap is a little longer than the last few but hang tight the next ones will be good;)

"You're doing it wrong" I moaned as Malfoy flicked his wand about idiotically over the large ring on the desk infront of us

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"You're doing it wrong" I moaned as Malfoy flicked his wand about idiotically over the large ring on the desk infront of us.

"No, I'm not" he snapped at me through gritted teeth.

"I've done the shrinking charm hundreds of times Emerald, would you not get your knickers in a twist". He sighed, shaking his head with a fed up mannerism.

My patience was really being tested this Friday morning by the pompous prick next to me, as he repeated the wrong wand movement for a second time. This time it was my turn to shake my head and roll my eyes.

"You need to be more delicate, a slight swish, the flick upwards, not an angry jolt, gripping your wand as if your trying to snap it". I growled, pointing at the open textbook, to back up my statement, then to the oversized silver band, with a large sage green gem wrapped in it, staring up at us mockingly.

"Oh yeah, wouldn't you love to grip my wand" he huffed, his stormy eyes smugly piercing into mine while he licked his lips slowly, raising his brows in a pathetic attempt to intimidate me.

"I am this close to transfiguring your wand into a frogs leg if you're not careful, Malfoy" I threatened after a sigh and an eye roll , not meaning the wooden object lingering between his fingers.

The boy just scoffed at me and rolled his devilish eyes. "You'd still want it down your throat" he smirked, raising his eyebrows at his disgusting suggestion.

"I'm not sure that I would want your repulsive, misproportioned penis anywhere near me in the first place." I seethed at his arrogance and complacency.

"Merlin, you really are the unreserved and discourteous girl the wizarding community think you are. No wonder your family are ashamed of you. And for your information I know the shrinking spell exquisitely well thank you."

"It would appear Malfoy, that a growth charm and not shrinking charm is what you need to be practising, and I'm not about to start failing Charms just because you can't make this ring shrink, which is rather pathetic, it's bad enough having to work with an intolerable arsehole such as yourself, but having to work with an arsehole who is incompetent at preforming a simple level 4 spell is decidedly worse". My words flowing out my mouth sharp and quickly, matching the blondes wit and leaving him momentarily speechless at my stab to his pride. My words gaining not only Malfoy's attention but the attention of a few students around us.

A tense pause. Malfoy's face twisted up in a mixture of disgust and shock.

"Five minutes class, until I will be checking if the objects, I have given you and your partner, have returned to their normal size." Professor Flitwick announced to the class from his tower of books that he was poised upon.

Disobedient -A DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY-Where stories live. Discover now