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Hi everyone, hope you enjoy this chap!!
Also I have made a wee change: in the very first chapter I mentioned that The first time Lyra met Adrian was at the announcement of their wedding. However I have changed the story slightly, so that her and Adrian knew each other from a very young age, almost growing up together.
Hope you enjoy💚💚

First sweetheart

One day passed, then another

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One day passed, then another. Malfoy still hadn't returned from his convention with his father.

Everything was odd. No snarky comments came from the seat next to me in charms, and no mysteriously condescending glances were sent my way in the common room. Even the Astronomy tower, which I usually went to in order feel alone, felt lonely. Cold.

A fourth day passed. And I hated myself for counting it. I hated the sad sinking in my stomach as I looked up the breakfast table, scanning for that icy blonde head of hair. Yet my gaze only fell upon Theo, who shook his head at me, informing me of the absence of his roommate. He had still not returned.

We were all gathered in an empty classroom in the dungeons. It was freezing and myself and the other upper Slytherins were wondering what on earth we were doing here, instead of in lessons.

I was stood awkwardly beside Willow and Ophelia. It felt as though we were lying to her. Not telling Ophelia about what we both now knew. But it was better that way. Safer.

Nott was an engaged man, and enough rumours were still circulating after the Veritaserum incident. And Malfoy and I's friendship was...well, unfounded.

Snape entered the classroom, cloak flying behind him like an aggressively fluttering bat, his face a mix of resentment and its usual condescending demeanour.

He clasped his hands together, preparing himself to address the confused, green tied students before him.

"I am here to inform you that the Ostara Ball is fast approaching. As you know, all students are requested to participate in a dance to open the event. So all older students are to be taught by their heads of house." He finished with an eye roll. Clearly Snape was not in the mood for spring festivities.

I had heard about the Ostara Ball. An event used to celebrate the beginning of the Spring Equinox. According to Willow, it was beautiful, vivid and fresh. People wore bright dresses, adorned their hair with pastel ribbons to mark the arrival of spring, and danced to the music of flutes until the new, golden sun of spring rose in the east. It all sounded like a bit of a faff to me however.

We were partnered randomly, of course Snape insisted on it being a boy/girl pairing, and of course I ended up being paired with no other than Adrian Pucey. Brilliant.

"Long time to see, Emerald." He smirked, placing his hand on my waist as the Professor had instructed.

"And you, Pucey." I replied, doing my best to avoid his intense gaze while we familiarly waltzed across the room.

Disobedient -A DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY-Where stories live. Discover now