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Peace at last

"Another post card?"

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"Another post card?"

"Yes, this time from Italy, Ebon just flew it in." Draco kissed my cheek as he entered the room, pinning the small picture onto the pin board that sat in the kitchen. Our kitchen. Small and furnished with second hand chairs and rough wooden counters, stuffed to the brim with over loved house plants.

The smell of spring wafted gently through the open glass doors leading out to the garden. Our garden. My eyes followed the path that led down the grassy slope towards the bottom of our blooming land. The small apple tree sapling was growing nicely, slowly and very much at its own rate. We had decided that when we had planted it. Not to rush it along with a growth potion or elixir, but to let it grow naturally, so that one day we might look out into the garden and remember how long we had been in this cottage together, measuring our time by how old and twisted the small tree had become.

Theo and Willow had left soon after the war. A war which felt so long ago, even now. Travelling wherever the pleased, or running from Theo's remaining family members I wasn't quite sure. But they were happy, and content to move across the continent soaking in the rich culture and magic each country had to offer.

Draco and I had healed differently, and I felt consolidated in a way I thought I never would. My life felt steady and structured yet completely free and right. Right in so many ways.

Taurus and Ophelia had bought a house in London, a large, white muggle multi-storey house on a street of other perfectly pristine houses. They had bought it with the money Taurus had inherited from his father when he sold the Gaunt family business. The wizarding world was a changing place and the war had changed the logistics of many wizarding family incomes.

Ophelia had taken up a job in fashion, designing and creating. London was just right for her, and the social scene for her was taking off too. Her and Taurus were becoming something of an influential couple, featuring on multiple fashion magazine covers. Blaise and Taurus sparked a deeper friendship after they both ended up in London, bumping into each other at a high society event they were both invited to. Blaise was always destined for London, and the new collection of Zabini Watches he had come out with were all the rage I was told.

Elio was the only one of us to return to Hogwarts after the reconstruction. He had taken up a teaching position as a Defence Against the Dark teacher. He also kept up his hobby of researching and creating new spells and Hexes and cures in his spare time. A hobby that had been vital during the war but now was a pleasant past time. He had always been kind and creative and full of life and I knew that Hogwarts would be if it immensely, having him as a teacher.

He had invited us to a dinner party at his
house in a few weeks time, so we could all meet his new boyfriend and catch up. We did dinner parties quite regularly, or whenever big news had arrived. Last month we were at Taurus and Ophelia's new house celebrating a promotion of Ophelia's, Willow and Theo winnowing in from wherever they had been.

Unlike the rest, Draco and I had chosen a quieter future. A cottage in the highlands, tucked away but only a few miles from the small village where Draco and I ran a wee shop. It had started just me selling apple pies and chutneys and things made from our orchard. During the summer Draco had made a small Still that we used to brew cider. It had somehow taken off over the past two years and now We ran a large distillery producing Cider that was sold across the country. It had been quite the business venture, starting off as something to entertain ourselves, but it was now a passion, especially of Draco's. I always knew he was born to run a business. He was too strong willed and disciplined to do anything else. That was a worry of mine, when we had left Grimauld Place that damp morning, that the place we had chosen to escape to would've been too small for Malfoy. He always had big ideas and I didn't want my desire for a slow life to stump him in his endeavours.

But now we both had what we wanted. Me, a garden and a home and time. Time to grow things and bake and sell what I had made. Time to walk and swim and grow up finally after a childhood of being too old for my years. Draco, had time too. Time to heal and to let go of the anger that had been born in his blood. Time to start his own business and make something of his own, something not handed to him or forced into his hands. He no longer had to carry the weight of the world.

If I could go back, there would be much I wish I could change. The person I was, the things I had done. Yet perhaps if things had been different, perhaps if what happened hadn't, perhaps Draco and I wouldn't be here today. Maybe we would've been on separate paths. And the fact that each morning I get to kiss that blonde sleepy head before he even opens his eyes, I am forever grateful that somehow we pulled ourselves from the darkness and found our way together.

Being here, by the trees, had really allowed me to heal, especially in the first few years. I began to feel like a child again. Like I was home In my hollow of safety once more. Yet now my safe place was bigger and my whole home was peace for Draco and I to share. I did not need to squirrel away anymore. The trees surrounding the garden, I had decorated once more with ribbon and empty cider bottles and clanged and clanked in the breeze. I liked the way they glowed as the evenings grew dark, a quick charm and all the candles in the glass jars and bottles illuminated the garden, like stars that had fallen from the sky and landed among the trees. There was a winding river that ran past the bottom of the garden, and just round the edge of the forest that bordered our land, was a pool. The pool was deep and cool and Draco and I would often swim in it during lazy summer afternoons, or lay on its banks and enjoy the shade the canopy of leaves high above offered.

It was dark now, and Draco and I sat out on the back porch, on the big comfy chair that we had found one day at a charity shop. Our cat, Juno snuggled onto our lap, her fur smelling of the wild garlic she had roamed through during the day. The garden was aglow just the way I liked and Draco nestled in close to me as the chilled night air wafted pleasantly through the branches. In my hands was the book that we were reading at the moment, Little Women: a muggle classic apparently. Although, it didn't matter really, what we were reading. Every night we would still read it together, taking a moment to unwind after the day, and melt into each other's warmth and words. Sometimes we would share a cigarette or sometimes we would drink wine or tea.
I stroked his hair as he read aloud to me, under the Flower Moon.

If I could tell 16 year old Lyra that everything would be okay, everything would sort itself out, I would. I would tell her to hold onto the young slytherin boy, for you will need each other more than you can comprehend. I would tell her to live, she would have time to grow up later. But even now, even when my life was sweet and slow and happy, I would not forget the person I had been. I would never forget the ruthlessness and horror and death I had seen. Fabian was still forever in my chipped heart, Astra, and the others. Never would I stop being grateful for the life I had now.

We were still children, Draco and I, with a lot of growing up still to do, with childhoods still to live well into our early twenties. And that was okay. Because we still had time. We have time, together.

Authors Note: HEY GUYS!! I am so sorry it's taken me months to get this story finished. I was super busy and if ur from the Uk then u will know that I've just had exams the last few months which are now over thankfully.

Thank you all so much for the love and support on this story over the past year. It's been so fun to write my first Draco watt-pad story and I hope you've all enjoyed it.

Honestly just thank you to everyone who had read it or commented! Now it's time for some heavy editing😭<<<33333

Also if u like my style u might like my new Dramione story- To Salvage A Mans Soul.

Please remember to check out my tiktok - Honz.chappers
I'd really love to interact with more of yous and maybe go live to chat about the completed story ??

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