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AN: listen to something sad


-Draco Malfoy-

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-Draco Malfoy-

Willow screamed, her shrill voice like the sound of tearing limbs and breaking glass. I wanted to snap the child's neck but he had long since vanished.

I watched, as Willow fell to her knees next to her lover, manic sobs and words of grief spluttering from her innocent mouth. Emerald glanced at me, her face pale and still, blank as the internal panic began to set in. She slowly comprehended what was going on. As did I.


My brother, the boy I had shared a relentless, heavy childhood with, writhed on the flagstone floor at my feet. Immediately I knelt, trying to hold him steady but he was shaking, violently jerking and moving and twisting like I had never seen before. Breaths came ragged and rare. It was as though the imperious curse was surging through his veins only it wasn't that. It was something different all together,
something not from this world, or in no spell book I had ever encountered.

My mind flashed back to when we had arrived at the school no more 5 hours ago. Our plan clear, our defences strong. Knowing Willow had control of the Slytherins, we spilt up. Nott going into the Hufflepuff dorms, to warn them, ready them; me going to the Ravenclaw wing, meeting with my cousin Luna who I had been communicating with for over two months now, ever since I had heard of the attack plan. She had helped me and Nott rally troops and set up wards around the school. I thought we were ready, I thought I was ready for whatever this bloody war threw at us. But not this. I couldn't handle this.

"Nott....hey...Nott." My words were wavering, cold as they exited my mouth. They meant nothing, I was helpless.
Lyra helped me hold his body still, the shaking slowing down however I did not think that was a good sign.

Willow, usually the picture of light and calm and caress, was frantic, panicked. She tried to hold his head in comfort but her hands were shaking more than Theo himself. It wasn't supposed to be like this, we were all supposed to make it.

"Willow." She did not reply to my call, and Lyra sent me a worried look. She too did not know what could be done, what this spell was.

I wished for a time when my only worries were where we could get booze for Slytherin parties, or what result I got in a potions test. Longing for a time of when the warmth of the sun caressed my skin and Emeralds messy curls danced around my fingers. I longed for a time when I could pour Nott a dram of whiskey and relentlessly rattle on about pressure from my father or my family. And he would listen and not complain. That was not even close to the pressure that I felt now. Boy, I really did have no idea how much my life could change.

Disobedient -A DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY-Where stories live. Discover now