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-Draco Malfoy-"LYRA

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-Draco Malfoy-
"LYRA. LYRA." I screamed, pounding with my fists on the door of the room I was held in. Some old, unused bedroom, I wasn't sure. But I was sure of something, I needed out. The sides of my hands bruised purple and green with the force but I kept pounding on the harsh wood all the same. I needed out of here. I couldn't breathe.

"Fuck." I kicked the door in frustration, angry, angry at the betrayal. It was guarded by some sort of protection spell, and I didn't have my wand. An escape was hopeless. This barrier, was stopping me from knowing if Lyra was even alive.

"EMERALD." I shouted again, I just wanted to know if she was okay, I wanted her to know I was okay.

"Fuck. FUCK." I told myself to prepare for the worst, but I couldn't do it, I didn't want to think of never holding her hand again, feeling her warm palms between my cold fingers. I didn't want to think about never fulfilling all that we had planned. I couldn't brake another promise to her.

The Dark Lord was away, currently in Albania in an attempt to round up more Death Eaters for his ranks. He would be returning tomorrow. And I had been trapped by my own father in law, dragged to some old room, and thrown inside like a prisoner of a cell. I was trapped, but trapped in my own mind as well. Too many thoughts were swirling around inside, taunting me, reminding me of what was at steak. I didn't know where Lyra was, I hoped she had managed to escape, and was not hurt, or dead. She was smart like that, witty and quick. But one could never be sure.

I did know, however that Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange had been summoned at Voldemort's absence. And they were merciless, vile and cruel, and Lyra had little to none lenience to bargain with them.

I pressed my ear to the door but I couldn't hear anything, perhaps silencing charms and been put in place I wasn't sure, but it was as though the house was empty.

Thousands of thoughts bounced off the walls of my empty mind, I scratched at my neck, pulling away at my dark Slytherin tie, it was loose, yet still I could not breathe.

"LYRA." I screamed again as loud as I possibly could, until my throat ran dry and could no longer produce anymore sound. But nothing. Not even an echo through a lonely hall.

"FUCK." I shouted once more, running my fingers through my sweaty hair, pulling at it in angry tufts. Why, why, why, why I thought to myself. I hated the waiting, the uncertainty, the fear.

Suddenly, my door swung open and I stubbled back in shock.

"Fabian." I groaned, as he stood in the doorway, all too familiarly.

"Rabastan wants to see you." The Raven haired boy said blankly, his words dull to match his eyes.

"Where is she! Where is Emerald. You better not have touched her. I swear to Merlin."

Disobedient -A DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY-Where stories live. Discover now