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"Would you care to pay attention please, Miss Emerald?"

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"Would you care to pay attention please, Miss Emerald?"

A sharp and unforgiving voice interrupted my deep day dream.

My eyes flicked back to Professor Snape, refocusing my attention on his greasy black hair and dull black robes instead of the Brewing method he was mumbling about.

I felt tired today, and certainly not in the mood for his loathsome lessons on how to properly crush a beetle or some other technique I learnt in nursery. And the late night activities,in the boys dormitory's above us last night, had kept me awake slightly later than I had wished.

He always seemed so dull and arrogant. So fed up and bored. Not the type of teachers I expected to encounter coming to one of the most highly commended wizarding schools in the world.

"Now....who can tell me why we add the right bats wing to the black fire potion and not the left one?" His drawing , unspirited voice echoed from the dungeon walls as he mumbled his way through the question.

A curly haired brunette, a few tables infront of me, shot her hand up immediately.

Some strange noises I had never heard before came out of her mouth. Almost like a grunt as he forced her hand into the air as if reaching for something just out of her grasp.

I however, did not see the purpose in me going to the effort of raising my hand if I already new the answer in great detail. This class was a jest. And I couldn't help but turn a well educated nose, that my mother would've been proud of, up the simplicity of these teachings.

The professor scanned the class once more,
In hope of another student willing to give the answer.

"Hmmm, no one?" He smirked, blatantly ignoring the absurd Gryffindor, desperate to answer.

"Please sir, I know it" the girls winey voice sounded, her curls bouncing as she reached her hand even further into the air.

After a sigh Snape finally said something. Something I never excepted a Professor to come out with.

"For a mud blood girl, you are an insufferable know it all Miss Granger". He spat at her, causing the group of Slytherins behind me to casually snigger under their breaths.

Malfoy's voice in particular I heard, making some other horrible comment about her blood status.

The way the small girl didn't react told me that this sort of bullying in his class was a common occurrence. I had noticed he could be particularly harsh to her however he had never overstepped the line as he had done today.

Without thinking I stood up, pushing my chair back as I did so.

I'm not sure what made me do it. Maybe it was the fact she was the only Gryffindor in a majority Slytherin class, or the fact he used the fact she was muggle born to out her down that set of a rage deep inside the pit of my stomach that urged me to act.

Disobedient -A DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY-Where stories live. Discover now