Chapter 5

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Johnny's POV

When Soda called me, I dropped everything and ran to the hospital.  Pony was a wreck.  I practically drag him outside for a cigarette, "Pone, what happened, man?" I had to light his smoke cause he was shakin' so bad.  I couldn't help but notice the blood that stained his clothes.  It sure looked like a lot.

"I dunno.  She left for school early.  I shouldn't of let her go...and" he slid down the wall, "Johnny, I knew somethin' wasn't right."  He took a long drag, "its all my fault."

I felt an intense anger, "did you beat her up?" I demanded.

"No, but."

"There ain't a but.  The only ones at fault are the ones who did it."

We finished smoking as Two-Bit walked up.  He lit up and sat next to Ponyboy, "here," he handed Pony a bag, "picked up some clothes for ya."

"Why?" Pony asked, confused.

"Well, first off, Steve told me it was bad an' I figured you may of found her.  Second, I didn't think you'd wanna walk 'round with blood on your clothes."

Pony looked down, like he hadn't noticed the blood before.  He quickly stood and vomited around the corner.  "I'm gonna go change," he was pale.

Two-Bit watched him walk in the house, "he's takin' this hard, huh?"

I shrugged, "they're twins.  They got that weird twin thing."

We stood up, "anyone call Dally?"

"I dunno, ain't even sure where he'd be."  Silently, we walked back inside.

It was another couple hours before the doc said we could see her.  I hung back with Two-Bit and Steve, lettin' her brothers go in first.  She looked so helpless, layin' there like that.  Pony was  talkin' to her quietly.  I wasn't sure if she could hear him.  The monitors attached to her beeped every now and then.  I pulled out a chair and sat over by Pony, but not before kissin' her forehead and whispering, "you're gonna be ok. Phae, I know it."

Two-Bit's POV

After going down to the Tigers turf last night, the only thing I could think of was this Black Cobra gang.  Then Steve called this morning about Phaedra.  I stopped at the Curtis's to get clothes for Pony, Steve said he found her and was covered in her blood..  Also talked to Darry's boss and chugged a beer.  I know it's only 9:30 but man, I needed to settle the nerves.

I wish I had drank some more cause I was no where near prepared to see Phae.  She looked worse than I imagined.  Ponyboy bout lost it when he saw her, even Darry paled.  I leaned up against the wall next to Steve and Soda.  Soda was bawlin' his eyes out.

It was hard, seeing Phaedra like that.  I've known her ever since she was a baby.  She was always tough, scrappy.  She did everything we did.  She's knows how to fight.  We taught her.  She can take a hit and get back up.  She's been in rumbles, she plays football with us, she's a tough, smart kid.  "She was out numbered," I muttered.  "They musta caught her off guard.  She's fast, coulda out run them."

Steve leaned over to me, "you thinkin' the Cobras?"

I stared a Phae, "I think we need to take a trip to the Tigers.  I think they know more than they're letting on."

"We need Dally, Shepard, the Brumley's and Jensen," Steve muttered back.  I nodded at Steve.  That would have to wait though.  None of us were leaving Phae.

Soda's POV

This was 2nd time in my life I felt this helpless, seeing Phaedra laying there, hooked up to god knows what was pretty unsettling.  I walked over to her, my baby sissy was so beat up.  I stroked up and down her arm; leaning down I grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles, "you got some many people pulling for your, Phae." 

I looked over at Steve and mimed smoking.  He got the hint and followed me into the hospital courtyard.  He pulled out a cigarette and handed it to me.  I don't usually smoke unless I'm real stressed out.  "Steve, I can't do this.  I can't see my baby sister like that!" I heard my voice go up a notch, "I wanna find those bastards and kill them."  I was going into hysterics.

Steve threw his cigarette and suddenly was passionately kissing me.  I started kissing him back before pushing him away, "what the fuck, Steve?"  I was mad, but I wasn't.  My sister is in the hospital and my best friend just kissed me!

Steve just grinned, "shut ya up, didn't I."  Then his face got serious, "let's go.  We need to get back up there."  He turned and strut toward the door and I followed speechless and confused.

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