Chapter 24

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Darry's POV

The phone rang just as I was getting into bed, if that is Two-Bit or Dallas, I swear I'm gonna lose my fuckin' shit.  "This better be good," I growled into the phone.

"Hi." The voice on the other ended sounded unsure, "can I speak to Darrel Curtis?"

I rubbed my eyes with my free hand, "this is."

"Hey there, Darry.  It's Brody Paulsen.  I'm sorry for calling..."

"Brody? Tight End, number 17?"

He laughed, "the one an' the hell do you remember my number?"

"Ya know how many times I threw that damn ball to the back of your jersey cause you wouldn't turn around?"

"Probably as many times as you over threw the damn ball," he chuckled.  "Look, Darry, I'm sorry to bother you this late, but I just got a call from my aunt."  He paused, "my cousin is."

"Annmarie Delaney," I finished for him.

"How's your sister?  I didn't know she got attacked too." He sounded genuinely concerned.

"Not good, Brody," I responded, feeling my guard slip.  Brody and I had always been good buddies.  Not like Ponyboy and Johnny, but we hung out together.  Played football, were in most of the same classes, "half her face is paralyzed and they beat her so bad, her appendix ruptured."

He was silent for a few seconds, "what can I do?"

"Nothin' man."

"My aunt said you blackmailed her."

"No I didn't!  They wanna press charges against Wallace, but they don' care that there are 8 guys with him!  Getting just him arrested aint gonna do shit, except appease the Delaney's!  I said Phae agreed to testify but only if the other would get arrested too.  I'm not puttin' a target on Phaedra's back!"

"I don't blame ya.  My dad is the lawyer that Anita and Charles use.  Is it all right with you if I talk to my mom and dad?"  I didn't respond, "look, just let me explain the situation to them.  Ok?"

"I didn't mean for you to get dragged into this."

"My aunt dragged me into this.  It's really not a problem."

We hung up and I climbed back into bed.  I planned on going into work in the morning, even though my boss told me not to come back until Monday, but I needed to stay busy; keep my mind focused on something else before I go crazy.

Phaedra's POV

My second day back was no better than my first.  I was already over the staring and the pointing from students and teachers.  Lunch was my only escape.  Ponyboy and I sat by the big tree, away from everyone else.  Each of us smoking a cigarette, "what's your plan for after school?"

I took a drag, "I got softball practice, you?"

"Nothing.  Track finished last week." He nudged me, "we didn't qualify for regionals."

"Yeah, regionals are this weekend for us.  We have home field advantage," I smiled weakly.  I wanted to ask Pony to stay, but he didn't need to hang for a 2 hours after school.

"How bout me and Johnny come watch the end of practice and we can walk home together?"  I blushed when he said Johnny's name, Pony gave me a sideways look, "what's going on with you two?"

"I don't know..." I was being honest.  Johnny and I have known each other forever, "I think he's just being nice.  He don't wanna be stuck with Quasimodo."

Pony smacked my arm, "knock it off.  Johnny has liked you forever.  He was a mess when you were in the hospital."

"He kissed me," I admitted, "last night, but I couldn't kiss him back.  Pony, there are many things I can't do now."  I felt myself tear up a bit. Pull it together, Phae, you can't be weak at school.  I took a shakey breath.

"Phae, there are so many things you can do!" Pony spoke to me in a tone I wasn't familiar with, "look, yeah, what happened to you fuckin' sucks, but the Phaedra I know, doesn't give into self pity.  The Phaedra I know, doesn't give up without a fight."

My eyes widened, "you just took a tone with me."

"Get used to it, cause I'm gonna start calling you on your shit."

I didn't know whether to punch him or hug him.

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