Chapter 33

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Soda's POV

I was worried about Phaedra when I realized how pissed Darry was.  I was even more worried when Steve and I woke up and they were gone.  Pony came out of his room around 9.  I could tell he was worried too.  He grabbed a Pepsi from the fridge and sat down on the couch.  He looked exhausted.  "How many times did Phaedra puke last night?"

"Only once, but she was real restless.  Darry woke her up at 7."

Steve looked a little uncomfortable, "remind to never piss off Superman."  He turned on tv for back ground noise.

About 10:30, Two, Dally, and Johnny walked in.  "Is it safe to come in?" Two asked, half joking, half serious.

"Phae and Darry ain't here," I said quietly.

"Just because she threw a ball at the wall?"  Dally cocked an eyebrow.

"She snuck out last night.  I found her in the cemetery.  She was completely soused." Pony said, staring at the tv.

"What happened?"  Johnny was confused.  I forgot that he worked all day and had no idea what all happened.

"Phae got pissed that Darry met with Douglas, some guy that Darry went to school with, and Shepard.  He kinda told them about Phaedra's nightmares and the struggles she is having eating and drinking."

"Didn't have any trouble last night," Steve muttered under his breath.

"Shove it up your ass, Steve," Pony glared at him angrily, "oh wait, you'd enjoy that."

Steve and Pony both jumped to their feet, ready to come to blows.  I stepped in between them, "guys, please!  There's enough shit going on without you two fighting!"  I shoved Steve back down and pushed Pony away, "he also told them that she couldn't kiss ya, Johnny."

Johnny reddened, "uh...that's kinda a private thing..."

"So she was already pissed about that, her and Dare went toe to toe.  He left and she decided to go to that party at Natalie's.  I guess Natalie's datin' some Soc and told Phaedra she didn't want her around.  Phaedra kicked her ass.  That's when Katie and Mallory from her softball team called.  Told me what was going on and I found her at the cemetery."  Pony finished.

"Wait? What?" I demanded, "Phae and  Natalie ain't friends no more."  That hurt to hear.  Nat and Phae have been friends almost as long as me and Steve.

Pony shook his head sadly, "yeah.  She was a wreck.  She's mad at the world."

Johnny's POV

Around 12:15, a very exhausted and sick looking Phaedra came stumbling in the house.  Darry followed as if nothing was wrong.  I saw Soda and Darry exchange looks as Darry went into the kitchen and came back with a glass of water.  He handed it to Phae, "are you hungry."

"No," she answered quietly, "I'm really tired.  Can I go lay down?" 

"Of course," Darry pulled her up and hugged her tightly, "that was hard for me too, Phae.  I hated watching you suffer.

Her eyes misted, "I'm gonna go shower first."  I watched her walk away, her legs shaking.

"Whaddya do to her, Darry?" I demanded.

"I made her do bleacher runs and run the bases at the field."  Everyone stared at him, "on each field."

"Can't believe she did that?"  Pony gasped.

"I told her it was that or she wasn't playing at State."

Pony and I exchanged glances.  Soda and Steve refused to make eye contact with anyone.  Two-Bit muttered something inaudible to Dally.  Dally stood up, "that was harsh, man.  She's gone through hell in the last 2 months.  I'm surprised she didn't crack sooner."

While, Darry and Dally argued, I went into Phaedra's room.  She was curled up on her bed, "hey baby," I laid down next to her and kissed her cheek.

"I'm sorry, Johnny," she wouldn't look at me.

"Phaedra," I sighed, "I wish you would have come to me instead of getting hammered.  I have seen what alcohol can do to people."

"I know," her voice shook and I could tell that she was crying.  I propped myself up on my elbow so I could see her face.  I ran my finger down her cheek, "I'm sorry, I can't kiss you.  You deserve someone who can kiss you."

That about crushed me, "hey, look at me," tears brimmed her chestnut brown eyes, "I don't care about that, baby girl, I love you whether you can kiss me or not."

She snuggled closer to me, her tears leaving small wet marks on my shirt, "I love you, Johnny."

"I love you too, Phaedra," I whispered as she fell asleep.

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