Chapter 59

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Darry's POV

Phae and Soda had come back in from their cigarette break. I walked over to them and held each of them tightly, "he's gonna be alright." I prayed that I wasn't lying to them.

Phaedra buried her face into my shirt, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said I was gonna do this. This is all my fault. If I just let it all go."

"Hey," I lifted her chin so she was looking at me, "you didn't pull the trigger." She refused to look to look me in the eye, "Phaedra, have I ever lied to you?"


"Ok, then I need you to trust me."

She buried her face again, "ok," her voice muffled, but she didn't seem to convinced.

"Curtis?"  Brody Paulsen came toward me with his father at his side, "the police are going to arrest Wallace and Miller.  They don't take too kindly to one if of their own getting hurt.  We're gonna get this fucker put away."

I rubbed my temples, "yeah...and my brother and sister will never be the same, so forgive me if I ain't jumping for joy.  No one was suppose to get hurt."

Lawerence stepped forward, "it is unfortunate that it went down this way, but we got the guys.  Isn't that what you wanted?" 

I shook my head in disbelief.  My brother had been shot.  An 18 year old kid is dead, and a police officer was injured, "I need to go check on my brother."  I had to walk away before I completely lost my shit.

Dally's POV

I grabbed Two-Bit and drug him outside with me. I was so fuckin' pissed, I couldn't see straight, "we're going to the Tigers' turf...right fuckin' now," I growled, hauling him toward his car.

He followed after me, "you think this is a good idea?"

"Do I look like I give a fuck?"

"Dal, you're fuckin' pissed. I get that, but going down to start shit ain't the best thing to do right now!"

I slammed Two-Bit against the wall, "we're going down there and you're comin' with me whether you like it or not!" I spat at him. I was seething at this point. I was tired of these fuckers messing with my family...I mean, my gang.

Bryon's POV

I can't even explain how shocked and angry I felt. Wallace had never sent a guy with a heater before. I didn't know if Wallace told him too, or if Ty was stupid enough to bring one on his own. I sped into the parking lot of Charlie's and screeched to a stop. I jumped out and ran into the bar.

I grabbed Miller and slammed him against the bar, "your guy shot a fuckin cop!" I screamed in his face.


"No, Ty, you fuckin' moron! Cops killed him after he opened fire! What the hell, Frankie?! What the fuck are you doing?"

He blinked at me a few times, "what?"

"If you weren't so high outta your goddamn mind, you'd figure out that Wallace is running this whole gang into the ground!  You and the Tigers are so fucked.  Wallace basically raped all ya in the ass and you laid there and took it!"  Miller stared me down, "oh and another thing," I heard the shriek of sirens, "you're all goin' down."

I stood back as I watched the fuzz round up Wallace, Miller, and all of his cronies.  It was satisfying, but I felt sick at the same time.  This was bad, people got hurt.

"Douglas," I turned around and saw Winston leaning against the door frame.

"Winston, Matthews," I greeted them, "how's the kid?"

Matthews sighed, "don't know yet.  Where is everyone?"

"Cops came," I sat down at a table, "we got em."

Winston and Matthews joined me, "yeah, but at what price?"

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