Chapter 34

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Phaedra's POV

The sunlight hit my eyes lids. I pulled the covers over my head and groaned. I tried to go back to sleep, but my growling stomach made that difficult. I stretched and noticed right away that my whole body hurt. My legs were stiff. My back and shoulders were so tight that it was hard to stretch my arms all the way up. I stood slowly and my legs protested by getting wobbly.

I made my way out into the kitchen. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and slowly sat down at the table. A piece of paper caught my eye. It was a note from Darry.


I'm sure you'll be sore today. I left some ice packs in the freezer and a hot water bottle on the counter. Heat first, then ice.

I hope you understand why I punished you like that. You and I are more alike than you think. Dad did the same thing to me after I came home drunk for the 5th time because nothing else worked. I was too hard headed. Take it easy today.

Love you,


I read the note a couple times. I guess I could see his point, but that was fucking torture. Plus, I still had to go to softball practice today.  I laid my head on the table.  When did everything get so fucked up?  I slowly stood and went into my parents room and pulled out our family album.  I sat on their bed, flipping through the pictures.

"Hey, can I come in?" Ponyboy stood at the door.  He sat next to me.  "Remember when that was taken?"  He pointed to a photograph of me and him.

"We were 5.  Heading to kindergarten.  We wore the same thing so nobody could tell us apart."

"And it worked," Pony finished.  It's true.  We looked identical until we hit about 8.  Ponyboy's hair started to get a reddish tint to it around that time. 

"Remember we used to argue about which one of us was planned?"

Pony laughed out loud, "that was our go to insult when we would argue,"  he made his voice squeak, "at least I was planned, or Mom and Dad only wanted me."

"That's usually when Soda or Darry would say we were both accidents."  We both laughed at that.  I turned the page, "I forget how much Darry looks like Dad."

"He sounds like him too," Pony added quietly.

I leaned my head on my twin's shoulder, "I miss mom and dad, so much."

Pony laid his head on mine, "me too.  Every day."  We continued to look at pictures until I had to go to softball practice.

Bryon's POV

"Douglas," Wallace barked my name, "you hear anything I said?"

Man, I hate the guy, "yeah, I heard ya.  You wanna start distributing your stash to the west side.  Which is pretty dumb."

Miller glared at me, "remember, your only my second."  Frank was blazed out of him mind.  I used to have respect for the guy, but I hate drugs and people who use them."

I stood up, "look Wallace, your a smart guy," damn, I'm a good liar, "you've managed to lay low, but you head to the west side, your risking everything.  Those Socs know some pretty important people.  That girl you cut."

"The stupid Curtis girl?"

"No, the Soc," I scoffed, "her mom an' dad are still trying to find ya."

Wallace tented his fingers, "so Curtis is keeping her mouth shut.  Heard she can't talk great anyway."  He laughed and I wanted to deck him.  I made a mental note to get ahold of Darry to see if he heard anything from that Brody guy.  I wasn't overly excited when I heard that he brought some other Soc into this, but I wanted Wallace gone.  Hell, I want Miller gone.

"Maybe we pay her a little visit...see if she'll be willing to sell."

"She ain't gonna do that.  She's gonna want nothing to do with you."

"That's why we threaten her."

"That didn't work last time..." I muttered, "you're risking a lot goin' after her again."

"I'm not going to threaten her...she's gotta brother..." Wallace grinned this evil grin.

Miller shared Wallace's excitement, "she don't just have a brother...she's gotta twin."

I remained expressionless, trying to figure out my next move.  I had to get to the Curtis's before Wallace did.

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