Chapter 14

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Soda's POV

"Phaedra!" I ran into the room. Pony was up against the wall, crying into his knees. Phaedra was under the covers, sobbing. She sounded absolutely heartbroken. I looked at Darry. He was already heading for Phae. I knelt by Pony, "Pone. Pony, what happen?"

"I told her, Soda." He gasped between sobs. "We took the bandage off. It's so bad, Soda. She wanted to know...she knew I knew...she just wanted to know. It's so bad," he repeated over and over again.

I just held him and rocked him, "it's ok, Ponyboy. It's not your fault. It's ok, honey." I leaned my head against the wall, "I wish mom and dad were here." I whimpered softly.

Darry's POV

I tried to pull the covers down, but Phaedra had a death grip on them. She was letting out these soul wrenching sobs. I knew I wasn't going to get the covers down, so I sat on the bed and pulled her over to me. With her head still under the covers, I was able to cradle her. I rubbed her back and started singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," softly. It was her and mom's favorite song.

The doctor came in, ready to sedate her, "Don't," I whispered. "She has to deal with this. Sedating isn't going to help anything."

Phaedra continued to cry. As her sobs subsided a bit, she pull the covers down, but still covered her left side, "baby, it's not gonna look like this forever. The stitches will come out, the bruising will fade."

Phaedra looked up at me with her light brown eyes and pulled the covers down. It took everything in me not to react. I couldn't believe someone could be so cruel. The corner of her mouth drooped a little. The doctor said it was due to the paralysis.

Pony and Soda had come back into the room. I hadn't even realized they left. Soda had his hands shoved in his pockets. He stared at the floor. Ponyboy came over to the bed. His green eyes showed so much pain and anger. He sat beside me, and gently stroked the stitches that ran down her face. "We're in this together. It's you an me, Phae. Anyone who fucks with you, fucks with me too."

"Please!" She cried, covering her face again, "get out!"

Johnny's POV

"Get out!" I heard yelling from Phaedra's room, "get the fuck out of my room!" I ran back into the room. Phaedra was yelling at Darry, Soda, and Pony. The 3 brothers backed off. Phaedra was under the covers crying. I suggested that they take a walk.

Once they were gone, I sat in the chair by Phaedra's bed. I didn't know exactly what she was goin' through, but I know what it's like to get beaten so bad that you just want to curl up and die. I waited until she stopped crying before I even attempted to say anything, "Phaedra?" I whispered.

"Go away, Johnny." She whispered softly. All the fight was out of her.

"I can't. It's either me or your brothers."

She was silent for a bit before she relented, "I ain't gonna talk to ya."

"That's fine." I watched for any movement on her end, "Ran into Natalie. Your team won sectionals." If anything could get her talkin', it'd be softball.  The sheets rustled as she moved, "They go to regionals in 2 weeks. I bet you'll be playing by then."

She turned toward me. I refused to react to her face, even thought my stomach turned, "ya think so?"

"Should we ask the doc?" She slowly nodded and I hit the call light.

When the doctor came in, Phaedra was already sitting up, "when can I play softball?"

"I'd like you to wait another week, but after that, you should be good to play."

Phaedra's eyes sparkled, "really? I can still play?"

The doctor chuckled, "nothing wrong with your arms and legs, Kiddo. Your visions just fine. I'm thinking you will go home tomorrow or the next day."

Phaedra grinned. Her half smile made her look adorable. She held my hand, which sent shivers up my spine, "Thanks Johnny."

I felt my face flush."It's nothing. Just wanted to help."

She squeezed my hand, "you did. More than you know."

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