Chapter 42

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Boy on Boy Smut

Soda's POV

Steve unlocked the door to our motel room. I hadn't realized until now that it was just the two of us. I set my stuff down and flopped on the bed. It was soft and comfy. If I closed my eyes, I could sleep here forever. Steve laid down next to me. I turned and traced my finger around his eagle tattoo, "how'd you manage to get us a room all by ourselves?"

Steve smirked, "been saving up the money the Ol' Man gives me to make up for kicking me out." I knew that bothered Steve, but I also knew enough to not call him out on it.

He leaned over me and soon my lips found his. I knew this was wrong, but damn it felt so right. Of course within a few minutes, Dally was pounding on the door. I groaned as Steve got up and opened it, "whaddya want?"

"You two wanna grow a pair and come find some pussy with me an' Two? Pony and Johnny are coming too".

This was the first time, Dally acknowledged mine and Steve's relationship, "nah," Steve turned to me and smiled, "we're good. Sides' if we go, no girl would even look at ya."

"He's right," Two-Bit stuck his head in the room, "now that Hollywood and Stevie are together, there is more for us!!"

I jumped up and put Two in a headlock, "Hollywood?"

"Soda," Two-Bit pretended to swoon, "your drop dead gorgeous! Just being near you makes me weak in the knees." He batted his eye lashes at me.

Dally chuckled, "let's get goin'. I'm hoping' to get laid tonight."

I sat back on the bed, "take Darry with ya! He needs to get laid."

Two-Bit and Dallas laughed as they walked away. Steve straddled me, gently pushing me back on the bed, "where were we?" he whispered in my ear.

Instead of answering him, I found his lips again.  I pulled his shirt off and threw it on the floor.  I ran my hands up and down his chest.  I wanted to learn every inch of his body.  Steve pulled my shirt over my head and then holding my wrists; he pinned them above my head, "Steve?" I whimpered.  I felt myself get hard, "please."

"Please what, baby?"  Steve let go off my wrists and grinned.

I reddened, "you know."

"I need you to tell me what you want."  I turned my head away, too embarrassed to tell Steve that I want him to put his large cock in my tight asshole.

"You know," I mumbled.

"But it's more fun if you ask me," he grinned evilly.  I had never really seen this side of Steve.  I liked him being dominant.

"Please, I want you inside me."  I knew it wasn't quite the answer he wanted, but he slid my pants off.

"I need a little help from you," he smirked as he took off his pants.  I quickly put his dick in my mouth and started to lick and tease him, "oh god, what you do with that mouth," he moaned which only made me more excited.  He pulled out and I started to roll over, "no, stay on you back."  I rolled back.  Steve positioned himself at my opening and pushed his way in.  It didn't hurt anywhere near as bad as the first time.  He stared into my eyes as he thrust deeper into me.  "Jerk off," he commanded.  I didn't have to be told twice.  It wasn't long before Steve's movements became faster.  He came at the same time as I did.  He pulled out gently.  "Let's go shower."  He leaned over and kissed me, "I love you, Soda."

"I love you too, Steve."

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