Chapter 26

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Phaedra's POV

"Last throw, Curtis," Coach Evans called out to me, "make it count!"

I pitched a strike and Katie pulled her facemask off and ran up to the mound, "pitch like that tomorrow, we're gonna win for sure!" She grinned widely at me.

I grinned back, well, I tried to, "we gonna stomp the other teams!"

Katie and I headed over to the dug out where Coach Evans was going over details for tomorrow, "I want you here at 9:00 tomorrow. Our first game is at 10. Make sure you bring plenty of water. Great job today, girls!" I grabbed my bag and started putting my equipment in it, "Curtis," Coach called to me, "C'mere for a sec." I walked over to him, "great job on the mound today!" He put his hand on my shoulder, "I want you to just stay focused on the game. Some of the other teams may stare and make comments about you. You pay them no mind. You can outplay any of them. The whole team is behind ya, got it?"

"Yeah, Coach, thanks." I finished packing my stuff and noticed Johnny sitting on the hill next to Pony. I grabbed my bag and headed over to them.

Johnny took my bag and kissed my cheek. I felt myself blush, "you sure looked good out there! All ready for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I think so," we started walking toward home, "we got a really good team this year. If we make it to state, we'll be the first softball team from Will Rogers that makes it!"

Pony nudged me, "you have it in the bag." We rounded the corner to our house, "Darry's home."

Darry's truck was parked in the driveway, "huh, I thought he woulda gone into work today." Pony pulled the door open and I set my stuff down. Darry was sitting in the kitchen with a look on his face that I couldn't read.

"Hey Dare," I called out, "we're home!

He snapped of his trance, "oh hey." He cane out into the living room, "ready for tomorrow?" I nodded, "whaddya want for supper?"

I shrugged, "it's Soda's turn to make supper."

Darry looked really uncomfortable, "Soda won't be home tonight."

"Why not?" Pony jumped in. Pony and Soda were almost as close as we were.

"Got held up at work, I guess," I knew he was lying. Darry has always been a terrible liar.

"Ok..." I decided not to push it.

"He'll be at the game tomorrow." Darry picked up the newspaper, "what are you three doing tonight?"

"I'm gonna take a shower and call it a night. I wanna make sure I'm ready for tomorrow."

"I think we're just gonna hang out here," Pony said, "I bet Two-Bit will come by soon and Dal."

"Whaddya want for dinner," Darry asked again, not looking up from his paper.

"Mac and cheese?" I suggested, "I'll go see what we got. C'mon Darry." He sighed and shot me an annoyed look, but put the paper down.

Once we were in the kitchen and out of earshot of the others, I looked my oldest brother in the eye, "you and Soda have a fight?"

"What? No. I told ya he's working late."

"You are a terrible liar," I said, pulling out our big pot and started putting water into it.

Darry rolled his eyes, "fine, he's out with Steve."

"Darry, what the hell is going on?" I was getting pissed, "you're always telling us that we're all each other got.  Pony and I know something is going on."  I started chopping up onions and broccoli to add to the pasta.  I seasoned some chicken with salt and pepper and added butter to a skillet to sauté it.  Darry leaned against the counter, drinking a beer, "did Soda get arrested?"

"What? No."

"He kill anyone? He using drugs?"

Darry was getting frustrated with me, "no, Phaedra!  You wouldn't understand!" He yelled at me.  I folded my arms, "look, I'm sorry I yelled, I just need to figure this out."  He took the spatula from me, "go shower, I'll finish dinner."

Instead of going into the bathroom, I went into Darry's room and called the DX.  Soda answered on the 2nd ring, "DX, how can I help you?"

"Hey Soda," I said softly, "come home."  Ever since the accident, I hated not having all my brothers around.

"Phae, I can't.  I'll see you at the game tomorrow."  He sounded so broken, not like Soda at all.

"But Soda," I whispered.

"I'm sorry, Phae.  Don't worry about me.  Steve an' I are just gonna go drag race.  You just worry about regionals tomorrow, got it?" with that Soda hung up.

I showered, we ate dinner, and like Pony assumed, Two-Bit and Dally came over.  I snuggled up with Johnny as I watched the gangs' antics.  Soda and Steve should be here.

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