Chapter 22

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Johnny's POV

Two-Bit, Dally, and I waited anxiously at the Curtis house to see if the plan would work. I could tell the minute they walked in that it didn't go well. Darry had a grim expression. Ponyboy just looked pissed, but Phaedra's expression killed me. She looked defeated, scared, and just helpless. "I'm going to bed," Phaedra voice made me want to cry. She used to be so strong, fierce; I didn't think anything could break her.

I followed her into her room. She laid on her bed, her back toward me. I knew she was crying because of how her body shook, "Phaedra?" I sat down on her bed, "Talk to me Phae."

She sat up and looked at me, "Johnny," her espresso colored eyes showed more pain than I had ever seen, "I wish they woulda killed me."

That took my breath away, "Don't talk like that Phae!" That came out harsher than intended, "you'd be hurting a lot of people, your brothers, the" I pulled her into my arms, "Phae, I thought I was gonna lose you. I couldn't bear it. I love you, Phae. I've loved you since the day I met you. I was too scared to tell ya, but I need you to know."

"Johnny," she stared at me with those beautiful brown eyes, "I love you too, but you deserve so much better. I'm ugly, damaged."

"No, you're not." I ran my fingers down her scar, "you're beautiful, Phaedra Curtis. I will tell you that everyday until you believe it." She looked away from me. I lifted her chin and kissed her scar, then found her mouth. I could tell she was trying to kiss me back. I tasted the salty tears that ran from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Johnny. I can't..."

I kissed her again then cupped her cheek, "it's ok, we just have to practice. I'm not going anywhere, Phaedra."

Dally's POV

Darry gave us the shortened version of what happened at the Delaney's.  I was so pissed I couldn't see straight.  Of course they wouldn't help us.  We're the scum of the Earth.  I stood up and tossed my leather jacket on, "I'm goin' to Shepard's.  I'm gonna get drunk."

Two-Bit followed suit, "I'm comin' too."  His gray eyes looked mean.

Darry grabbed both of our arms, "do not start anything.  We don't need you two getting jailed.  Shit's gonna hit the fan.  I just don't know when and we need you two when it does."

We each gave a slight nod and headed to Shepard's.  Tim grilled us the moment we got there.  I told him the same thing Darry told us.  Tim shook his head, "ya know, if it was you or me, Soda, Steve, or hell even Ponyboy...I can understand not wanting to help, but Phaedra ain't just some greaser.  She's a girl, one that got hurt real bad."  He lit a smoke, "let's get some payback."

Normally, I'd be all for it, but Darry had given us strict instructions, "look man, I just wanna get drunk."

Shepard shot me an amused glance, "Curtis got ya on a short leash?"

"Just til this shit with the Tiger's and Cobra's settle down.  Don't want us getting jailed or nothing"

Tim handed me and Two each a beer, "Savvy."  We clinked bottles, "let's get shit faced."

Ponyboy's POV

Darry and I sat in silence.  Neither one of us knowing what to say.  I couldn't believe Soda went off like that.  The anger and hatred in his eyes was frightening.  This whole situation was putting everyone on edge.

I got up to go check on Phaedra.  She and Johnny were curled up together.  That made me smile a little.  Johnny's my best friend.  He and Phaedra were made for each other.  "Johnny and Phae are asleep in Phae's room."

Darry raised his eyebrows, "hmmm, clothes still on?"

I chuckled, "well Phaedra's in her sweats.  Johnny is fully clothed...I really don't think ya gotta worry bout that."

Darry closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, "Pone, I thought for sure tonight would have gone differently."

"I did too.  Ya know, Dare, they make us seem like the bad guys, but I don't think we are."

"Me neither, Kid"

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