Chapter 15

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Phaedra's POV

First thing I did when I got home was take a shower.  There is something about taking a shower in your own house after being away that is so comforting.  I threw on my comfy pj pants and one of Soda's shirts.  It was over sized enough to be extra cozy, but not big enough to swallow me.

I could hear the rowdiness of the gang in the living room.  As much as I loved them all, I had been avoiding them.  They treated me different now, like I was fragile.  Dally couldn't even look at me.  He's probably mad at me for almost gettin' him arrested

Me and Pone were awkward around each other too.  Johnny told me that he and I fought at the hospital.  We never fought...ever.  I walked out into the living room, "Pone, can I talk to you? Alone?"  He mumbled something and walked over to me.  We went outside.  I climbed up the ladder to the treehouse our dad built for us when we were kids.

Pony followed me, "when was the last time we were up here?"

"I dunno."  We sat on the dusty floor and I grabbed his hand, "Pony, I'm sorry for everything.  I'm sorry I yelled at you in the hospital.  I shouldn't of treated you like that."

Pony nodded, "Phaedra, I ain't mad about that.  You have every right to be pissed.  I hate that I wasn't there for ya.  I hate not knowin' what's going through your head.  I miss you, Phae.  You hardly ever talk."  I started to say something, but he silenced me, "You're avoiding everyone."

"I don't like how I sound.  I know I look funny when I talk.  It's hard to understand me"  I sighed, "Dally's mad at me.  Everyone's treating me different."

Pony shook his head, "naw, he's mad at himself, not you.  You know how Dal can get."  Pony lit a smoke and offered me one.  Smoking was a little difficult since I couldn't open my mouth all that way.  "Just come hang out with us for a bit."

He started to go down the ladder, but I grabbed his arm, "everyone thinks I'm ugly." I couldn't believe how insecure I felt.

Pony squeezed my arm, "you ain't ugly, Phae.  You never were."

Dally's POV

Phaedra and Pony came back inside.  I couldn't stand to see her like this.  She shoulda just told Wallace where I was.  He still woulda beat her but I doubt he would of cut her like that.  "I'm gonna head out," I stood when I saw her sit down.

"Dally, you don't have to go.  I'll go back to my room." She stood up and shot Pony a smug look, "told ya."

She went back to her room.  Pony glared at me, "what?"

"She thinks you hate her," Pony got in my face.

I shoved him, "back off Horseman, an' no she don'"

Pony shoved me back...didn't know the kid had it in him, "yeah she does! I know her better than any of ya.  Why the fuck ya think she's avoiding us?!"  He looked at the gang, "ALL of us!"  He jabbed his two fingers into my chest, "but especially you!"

"I ain't treatin' her no different!"

Pony looked like he could kill someone, "all y'all are!  Hell, I was too, but she called me out on that pretty damn fast."

I sighed, "look Pone, it's just hard for us to see her like this.  It's infuriating!"

"Woah, big word Dal," Steve cut me off and I glared daggers at him.

"She shoulda ratted me out!" I finally yelled, "she wouldn't of gotten hurt!  So everytime I see her, all I can think is that it's my fault!"

"Careful, Dally, some people might think you care bout someone other than Johnnycakes." I turned to see Phae standing in the hallway.  She started towards me.  Damn did she look dangerous with that scar on her face, "if  I had ratted you out, then what?  I made the decision to not say a damn thing.  You don't think I knew he coulda killed me?!?"  Her words were becoming garbled.  "If you weren't so emotionally constipated, you'd actually admit you care about people other instead of acting like a complete and utter asshole!"

The entire room was silent.  I'm Dallas fuckin' Winston! Nobody talks to me like and gets away with.  I glared at Phaedra, "I'm goin' for a walk."  I stormed out of the house.

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