Chapter 32

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Darry's POV

I had cooled off until I came to find Phaedra had left and Pony went after her, at least that's what I got out of the love birds...why is it so hard to follow simple instructions?

I went out onto the porch and see Pony dragging his drunk ass twin home. Anger didn't even begin to describe what I was feeling.  How could she do something so stupid and dangerous??!

I went to help Pony, but Phaedra pushed me away, "youdongtbemad" she slurred. She was hard enough to understand sober.

"Translate?" I realized I was glaring at him and softened my expression. I wasn't angry with him.

"She said that you don't get to be mad."

"WHAT?" I roared, "I don't GET to be mad?"

Pony winced, "don't shoot the messenger."

I started to say more, but Phaedra started puking. I sighed, I knew I'd have to wait for tomorrow to punish her. I groaned, "just get her inside."

"Come on Phaedra," Pony tried to coax her, which irritated me even more. So I picked her up, slung her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes and tossed her in bed. Pony came back with a bowl and a wet cloth, "I'll take care of her, Darry."

"Don't be too nice," I glowered at her, "she did this to herself." With that, I stormed back into the living room. Steve had his arm around Soda, but quickly moved it when I sat down, "oh for fuck sake! Everyone knows you two are together!" I snapped at them.

"Darry, are you gonna do to Phae what you did..." his voice trailed off.

"Am I gonna take my belt to her like I did when you and Ponyboy came home wasted?" I demanded.

Soda blushed and I realized he hadn't told Steve about that, "If that's what your gonna do, I don't think you should be the one to do it."

"And you're volunteering," I snapped.

"Darry, Phaedra is basically you...did Dad's belt phase you?"

"No, I was to damn stubborn."

"Look, I agree there needs to be consequences, but there's gotta be a better way."

"Yeah," Soda was right. As much as I hated it, he was right. I headed to bed, knowing I wouldn't sleep. What the hell am I gonna do with Phae? I figured she'd be the easy one. I thought back to the different consequences I received for doing dumb shit. I glanced at the clock, my alarm is going to go off in 5 hours. I rolled on my side and before I knew it, I reached for the phone, "I won't be in tomorrow Mr. Edwards. I have a family matter."

Phaedra's POV

"Hey!" I woke up to Darry throwing water in my face. It was 7 in the morning.

He threw my gym shorts and tank top at me, "get up and get dressed. We're leaving in five." I could tell by the tone in his voice that he meant business. I stood up and immediately rushed to the bathroom and heaved into the toilet. My head was pounding. Oh god, this is what a hangover is. I retched again. "Now Phaedra, lets go." I quickly brushed my teeth and slumped toward the door. Darry climbed into the truck without say a word.

"Darry?" I whispered.

"Do not speak unless I speak to you first," he growled, "what you did last night was dumb and dangerous?! You coulda gotten arrested. That would end any chance of a softball scholarship! Or worse, you coulda died!" I rolled my eyes and Darry knocked me upside the head, making my headache that much worse, "you are in no position to have any sort of attitude!"

We pulled into the softball complex. Darry slammed the door shut and stalked toward field one. I had to run to keep up with him, which made me puke again. He stopped at the bleachers, "how many fields are there?"

"12 Sir," why the hell did I just call him Sir?

"How many bases on each field?"

"4." Where was this going?

"What is 12 multipled by 4?"

"48." My stomach was in knots, I'm not sure if it was from the booze or being terrified of Darry.

"This is what you're going to do. See the bleachers?" I nodded. "You are going to run up the bleachers, then run down the bleachers. After that you will run the bases. On each field. You get water break in between each field."

I laughed, "Darry, that's insane. I'm hungover as fuck."


I folded my arms, "and if I don't?"

"I tell your Coach that you're not playing at State." Darry returned my angry look.

I was in a rock and a hard place. I looked up at the bleachers and silently counted the steps, 12, it's only 12 rows. I can do this. I have to do this...

I started up the bleachers and puked up at the top before I ran back down. I ran the bases and went to field two. I took a water break be before I hit field 3.

My calves were buring before I even finished the bleachers on 3. I was sweating, but I was chilly. I learned later that if one drank enough than one can get a fever.

I slowed down immensely on field 4. I'm only a third done. This is torture. I puked as I rounded home plate. I took an extra long water break after field 5. My head hurt so bad, I thought it was gonna explode.

It took me an hour to complete field 6 and 7. I kept staring at Darry, his expression remained the same. He was still pissed.

My lungs were on fire and my throat felt like sandpaper. I was getting really hot and took off my tank top so I was running in just a sports bra. I finished field 9 and my legs felt like jello. Darry lightened up and gave me a 15 minute break. It took me almost 2 hours to complete 10, 11, and 12.

Once I finished, it was almost noon. I collapsed on home plate...too exhausted to even attempt to get up. Darry set the water bottle down next to me and handed me two aspirin, "you understand this was your punishment for last night."

"Figured....that...out" I took a long drink, "right...away."

He looked me dead in the eye, "I swear to god that you ever pull a stunt like again. You'll be begging to do this," he motioned to the field.

I looked away, "Yes Sir."

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