Chapter 17

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Soda's POV

The four of us walked down the street. It sure was muggy out. I hate being left out of gang stuff, but ya just don't talk back to Darry in front of the other leaders. Steve was as irritated as I was. I could tell by how heavy-footed he was and by how his nostril flared, "I can't stand Darry treating us like babies. We got every right to be there! Hell, I was at the war council when Phaedra was in the hospital!"

"I don' like it either, but I ain't gonna go against Darry when he's around the other leaders."

I got quiet while Steve continued to rant, "this is such bullshit. I don' get why we can't just fight these Cobras and be done. That's how we settle shit! And why the fuck is that soc family still buggin' us! They think their kid is entitled to justice or whatever, but Phaedra ain't! I'm tellin' ya Sodapop, shit's gonna hit the fan! And one more thing!"

"Steve," I smashed my lips against his. I'd been wanting to do that since the day at the hospital. Steve deepened the kiss, his tongue fighting for dominance over mine. I nipped at his lip as I pulled away, "shut up."

Darry's POV

"How deep is Miller in this?" I demanded once everyone had settled down.

"Not sure," Shepard admitted, "Wallace has 6 guys here. Dal was right. They want runners. Except, runners are the first ones to get busted or killed."

"And if they get busted, they may as well be dead.  They'll kill em if they rat out the others," Jensen threw his own two cents in.

"An' not all the Tigers are happy bout this." Owen Brumley said. "Miller's second is pissed."

I paced back and forth. I had a plan, but it was risky and, as much as I hated to admit it, the Delaney's were part of...if it worked, we could take down Wallace and Miller. "Brumley, any chance you can get Miller's second to meet with us? I got a plan...but I need to know his second ain't gonna rat us out."

"What's the plan, Curtis?" Jensen leaned back in his chair.

"I'll tell ya when you need to know!" I snapped. Shepard shot me a questioning look and I gave him a slight nod. I'll fill him in after. I just needed to get Shepard's approval. If he appoves, than the others would go along.

We finish up talking and the other's headed out. Shepard leaned forward in his chair, "what's your plan? An' why you being so cryptic?"

Two-Bit snorted, "damn, didn't know you knew big words, Timmy?" Shepard ignored him and urged me to continue.

"I think I have a way to get the Cobras and Miller outta our hair, however, that means involving a few people that know some important people." I had Tim's, Dally's, and Two-Bit's attention. "This is the second time the Delaney's have approached Phae about Wallace. The Delaney's have money, they know the Chief of Police as well as the Mayor. They got access to big fancy lawyers an' shit." I took a sip of my beer and continued, "Phae, Ponyboy, Soda, and I are going to set up a meeting with the Delaney's. Let them know what is going on. If they agree to help, I have them set up a meeting with the mayor and chief of police." I focused my attention on Dally and Tim, "if all falls into place, I give the two call a rumble. We let the police force know and they ambush them."

"What's to stop us from getting hauled in?" Dally demanded.

"We don't do anything unless we can guarantee none of us, but Miller, his cronies, and the Cobras get hauled in. I need Miller's second to agree to all of this. If we can't trust him, this ain't gonna work."

Tim let out a deep chuckle, "Darrel this is insane, but if you can pull this off, it could change everything."

"You three," I motioned to Tim, Dal, and Two, "think you can get in touch with Miller's second?"

"Give me a few days," Shepard replied, already formulating a plan, he stood up, "I'll be in touched." We shook hands and he left.

Dally stared at me, "I'm impressed, man, you're willing to make nice with the Socs to get the Cobras out."

"Naw, I'm willing to work with the Socs to give my little sister the justice she deserves."

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