Chapter 47

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Darry's POV

"Finally...1st place, Will Roger Ropers!" The tournament umpire called out.  Soda, Steve, and I whistled loudly.  Two-Bit and Dal stood up on the bleachers, "that's our girl!" Two yelled.

"Seems like yesterday, she was just in diapers," Dal shouted out.

Phaedra shot them both a death stare.  Johnny beamed with pride and Pony was grinning from ear to ear as the ump handed out trophies and medals.  The coach took the biggest trophy to be displayed at school.

Phaedra's POV

That evening, once we were back the hotel, Katie came running over to me.  She had a gleam in her eye, "let's go celebrate!"  She pulled out a bottle of whisky and a bottle of rum, "Sasha got some coke and sprite."

I grinned, but than had a brief flash back to work out from hell that Darry made me do last time, but I just won't get caught this time, "I'm in!"

"We're meeting in Sarah's room in 20 minutes."  She started walking away, "bring your boy and your brother."

I laughed and headed back over to my brothers, "What's the plan tonight?" Darry asked as he put an arm around me.

"Actually, I was hoping I could hang out with the team tonight.  We're all so pumped, ya know!"

Darry laughed, "ok. The boys and I will find something to do."

"Pony, Johnny, you two wanna come hang out too?"

Johnny kissed my cheek, "only if it's ok with the team."

"It's totally fine! Plus, Katie will be excited if Pony is there!" I said in a sing song voice.

Two-Bit put his elbow on my shoulder and leaned in, "which one is that?"


"Soc?" Dally questioned.

"Catcher. There's no grease or soc in softball." 

The three of us waved and headed back toward my hotel room.  I took a quick shower and changed into my red gym shorts and my black crop top.  I grabbed a few cups from the hotel and we headed down to Sarah's room.  I knocked 3 times.  Nicole opened the door and pulled me in.

Sarah, Nicole, and Sasha had an adjoining room with Rachel, Sonya, Liz, and Gina. The adjoining doors were open, "what's the plan?" I asked, settling on one of the beds.

"Booze in the our room. If the parental units come, we close the two adjoining doors. Sasha and Liz are going to hide all the booze under the bed, while we talk to the through the hallway door. We let them in, nothing out of place and we tell them Sasha and Liz are sleeping." Rachel filled me in.

"Works for me." I motioned to Pony and Johnny, "this is Johnny and most of you know Pony." Once that was done, Katie handed me a whisky coke. We had a blast. We played truth or dare for awhile, then just sat around talking.

Rachel turned toward me, "ok, your oldest brother, he is so damn fine! You should have brought them all!"

Pony and I shot each other a look, "no. Living with your big brothers is no where near as cool as you'd think." I said, "he's a lot stricter than our parents were."

"Really?" Sasha asked, "they seem so cool, laid back."

"Yeah...that night off Natalie's party... I got really drunk. Darry found out. He woke me up early, drove me to the softball fields..." the team was staring at me, "he made me to bleacher climbs and run the bases...on every field."

"That don't seem bad," Nicole said, "I'd take that over an ass whooping any day."

"Yeah...I was hung over as fuck. I puked at least three times. It took my like 5 hours to complete it. He wouldn't let me take any aspirin before hand."

"Oh my god!" Gina gasped, "a hangover is punishment enough."

I took another drink, "not by Darry's standard."

After that we continued to drink and talk. Katie ended up making out with Pony. Nobody got crazy and around midnight, we headed back to our rooms. Johnny gave me a kiss good night.

I laid down in the bed. Tomorrow, it was back to reality, back to Wallace and Miller, back to the drugs and the plan of drug running. I wanted to stay here forever.

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