Chapter 39

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Steve's POV

Soda came back out to the living room, looking defeated.  He sat down next to me and without thinking, I put my arm around and gently stroked his upper arm.  He, instinctively, intertwined his fingers in mine, "you ok?"

Soda shook his head, "I think this whole thing is gonna get worse before it gets better...I'm looking forward to getting outta here this weekend for State."

I nodded, "a change in scenery will be good for everyone."  I didn't tell him that I had booked us a room at a motel there.  Everyone was going, but we only booked two rooms.  I had already given Darry the money for my portion and then decided to get a room for just me and Soda, "you wanna talk about it?"

"It was just hard, ya know." He wouldn't look at me.

"I know."

"She said she's gonna run drugs for Wallace."

"That's not a bad idea," Dally interrupted us, "that would give another person on the inside and I trust Phaedra a helluva a lot more than Douglas."

That got Darry's attention, "you think Douglas is playin' us?"

"Nah" Dally shook his head, "but I gotta wonder how he got in with Miller in the first place."

"You think he has an ulterior motive?" Two-Bit cocked an eyebrow.

"I don' know yet, but Douglas has never been one to run with a gang.  Especially after the whole thing Jenning.  I think he may have another reason for helpin' us."

I'm glad Dally voiced what I was thinking.  Douglas had his own agenda, but if you think about it, so does Darry.  Douglas always seemed like an odd choice for a Second.

"Ya know?" I forgot Pony was in the room, "Phae and I could both be runners.  I get why she's going to do it.  It wouldn't be crazy that her and I would do it together."  The kid had a point.

"No," Darry said sternly, "you two ain't goin' anywhere near Wallace."

Pony gave him an exasperated look, "Dare, you really think she's gonna give it up that easy?  It's Phaedra were talking about."

Darry scowled at him, "you two do anything stupid and I swear, I'll skin each ya within an inch of your life."

Pony rolled his eyes, "yeah...ok."

"I don't think we should take that idea off the table,"  Soda stiffened and tried to pull away, but I tightened my grip, "I don't like it anymore that you do, but Dally and Pony, as much as I hate to admit is right."  I squeezed Soda's hand, "and since we know about it, one of us will be there at every drop.  Hell, we could even give the fuzz a heads up."

"Yeah," Dally jumped to his feet and started pacing, "you gotta ask your Soc pal to put in some kinda immunity clause in that contract."  We all turned and stared at Dal, "what? That way they won't get in trouble..."

"Why are we even discussing this?" Darry demanded, his face getting red, "its not happening!"

"Darry," Soda's voice wavered, "I think we need to let Phae and Pony decide.  Phae is gonna keep doing dangerous shit.  She's the one who got hurt.  I'd feel better knowing Pony was with her."

"I think you're out numbered, Dare," Two-Bit added his two cents.

"Since when is the gang a democracy?" Darry demanded angrily.

"Since you let your judgment be clouded by the protectiveness you feel for the twins."  I said calmly.

Darry was doing every he could to not lash out.  Deep down, he knew we were right.

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