Chapter 52

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Phaedra's POV

I woke up in a panic.  It was 3am!! Darry's gonna kill me! "Johnny, I gotta go!"

"What?" He mumbled sleepily, "Go back to sleep."

"I can't!  It's 3am!  Darry's gonna blow!"  I quickly threw my clothes on and ran out the door.  I bolted the 3 blocks to my house.  I peered inside.  All of my brothers were awake. 

I quietly pushed the door opened.  Darry was on me in a flash, "where the hell have you been?!  I've been calling over the whole damn city!"

"I was at Johnny's."

"I called there!  We went there! Nobody answered!!" Darry shouted at me.

"We fell asleep." I mumbled, "We didn't mean to."

"And with everything going on with the tigers and cobras!"

I held up my hands, "you're right.  I screwed up."  I stared at the floor, "I'm sorry."  Darry had every right to be angry with me.

"Darry," Soda stepped to my side, "it ain't like she did it on purpose.  You know how exhausting these last few weeks have been."

Darry didn't say anything for a bit.  It was quiet in our house.  I swear, I could hear the dust settling on the furniture.  "Go to bed, all of ya!" he finally said.  No one argued. 

I got ready for bed and crawled under my covers.  I couldn't stop thinking about Johnny and the fact that we just had sex.  We used protection so I wasn't worried, but I wished my mom was here.  I needed a woman to talk too.  This was new territory for me.

There was a light knock at my door, "can I come in?" my twin asked.

"Always." I put my pillow in the middle of my bed and putting my feet up on the wall. Ponyboy laid his head on the pillow and he feet hung off the bed, "how mad was Darry?"

"He was pretty pissed," he got quiet, "you slept with him, didn't ya?"

I blushed, "yeah. We used protection."

"Did you plan to?"

"No, it kinda just happened and then we fell asleep." I felt a tear run down my face.

"Phae? What's wrong? Johnny didn't make ya, did he?"

I laughed a bit, "no. I just wish Mom was here.  This is all new to me, ya know?  I don't even have any girl friends that I can talk too."

"What about Katie or Mallory?"

"Naw, I don't think so.  That's not the type of friendship we have."

Pony rolled over on his side to face me, "I'm always here."

That made me grin, "g'night Pone."

"Night, Phae."  We drifted off to sleep.  I didn't know what I would do with Pony and I sure as hell didn't want to find out.

Darry's POV

I was up earlier than normal.  I couldn't sleep after being up all night worrying about Phae.  I know I shouldn't of yelled at her like that, but I was relieved and angry when she walked through that door.

Phaedra's door was open a crack when I walked past.  Pony and Phaedra were sprawled on her bed, both passed out.  I walked into the room and gently shook my sister, "hey, Phaedra."

She blinked and looked around, "Darry?"

"C'mere," she sat up and quietly got up and followed me out into the living room.  She sat on the sofa and I made two cups of coffee, "here."

"Thanks," she sipped it, "Dare, I am sorry about last night."

"I appreciate that." I took a drink of mine, "I may have overreacted."

She smirked, "naw, I get it.  I was irresponsible.  I should a set an alarm or something or at least called when I woke up."

"Phae," I hesitated, not even sure how to bring up the topic, "ah, I just wanna...Well, you're at that age now...I know you and Johnny are serious about each other."  Phaedra's stared intently into her coffee, "I, uh, just wanna make sure your safe, if you and Johnny decide too...well ya know."

Phaedra reddened, "yeah...Um sure."

"And uh, I'm here if you, well ya know, need anything."

Phaedra took another sip and nodded, "um Darry.  Me and Johnny did...well ya know last night."  My mouth dropped open, "we used protection."

That was not what I was expecting to hear...part of me wanted to strangle Johnny, the other part was relieved that it was with her boyfriend and someone I know and trust, "he didn't pressure."

"No, not at all.  We didn't really plan too, but it just happened."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah," she continued to stare into her coffee, "I just wish I could talk to mom."

I understood that, "I know.  I just don't want you to be scared to come to me or Soda."

Phaedra finished her cup and set it down.  She leaned into me and I put my arm around her shoulders, "thanks, Darry and I really am sorry about last night."

I kissed the top of her head, "I know, you are."

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