Chapter 43

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Phaedra's POV

Ya know how older siblings tend to totally and completely embarrass their younger siblings? Multiple that by 10 and that's what it's like as the only girl in the gang...

Mallory, Katie, Lucy, and I were woken up at 2:00am by a pounding on the hotel door.  Mallory, sleepily shuffled to open it.  Two and Dally fell into the room.  Two-Bit was so hammered he could hardly stand up!  "We done got laid!" Two-Bit slurred as he went into the bathroom to "bleed the lizard."

Dally sat on the the bed and started taking his shoes off, "our key didn't work for some reason."  His eyes were barely open.

"Dallas!  You're in the wrong room!"  I whisper yelled.

"Hey Phaedra!  I thought you was staying with some girls..." he leaned over, his breath reeked of beer and cigarettes.

"I am!"  By this time Katie and Lucy were up, "you're in the wrong room!"

"Huh?" Two looked around the room, "man, I must be wasted."  Two hugged Mallory, "hey, your face is better!"

I grabbed his arm, "I'm over here, ya drunk bastard.  Where's Ponyboy and Johnny?"

"They left after we got our ladies!" Dally sang out!  "Man, Soda and Steve don' know what they're missing.  Nothing is better than pussy."

My face burned with embarrassment and fury, "I'm so sorry," I mouthed to the girls.  "I'm gonna go get Darry."

"Super dope gets so pissed when you wake him up!" Dally argued with me.  I looked helplessly at the girls.

"Oh my god!" Katie groaned, "they can stay here, but they're sleeping in the floor!!"  She hated being woken up.

I tossed each guy a pillow and they flopped on the floor.  I turned of the lights and crawled back into bed, "softball girls are mean!"  Two-Bit sulked.

The alarm sounded at 7:30.  Two-Bit threw his shoe at the clock, "shut that damn thing up!"

I came out of the bathroom, dressed for our first game, "shoulda thought of that before the two of you got wasted." 

Katie finished pulling her hair into a ponytail,  "Mal and Lucy already went down to breakfast."  She glared at our two unexpected guests, "I'm assuming drunk and drunker are stayin' here?"

I shrugged and we walked down the hall.  Most of the team was already down there.  Darry and Ponyboy had grabbed a table off to the side.  I spotted Soda and Steve getting their food.  Darry came over to me, "you seen Two and Dallas?"

"Yeah...the morons came to the wrong room last night," Katie snapped, "woke us up at like 2.  If we lose today, it's their fault!" grumbled Katie.

Darry shot me an amused look, "drunk?"

"Yup! And they got laid! 

Darry pinched the bridge of his nose, "why did we bring them again?"

"That was all you."  I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat next to Katie, "want me to talk to Ponyboy for you?"  I nudged her, teasingly.

If looks could kill, I'd be dead, "You're hilarious, you know that?"  I could just hear the annoyance in her tone

I grinned, "I know."

A little while later, we were on the field warming up.  Katie and I stood at home plate with the other teams pitcher and catcher.  "We want to be in the field first." I whispered to her.

The pitcher looked at me, not even trying to hide a grimace, "your face get caught in a meat grinder?" She sneered before the ump came over to us.

I just smiled my half smile, "what's your excuse?"

"Fell outta the ugly tree, probably hit every branch on the way down...twice," Katie shot back.

I put my hand on Katie's shoulder as the ump came up. We flipped the coin, they won the toss, "we wanna bat first."

I suppressed my grin and headed back to the dugout. I grabbed my mitt and headed out to the mound. Katie went behind home plate, but then came running up to the mound and waved Coach Evans over, "Coach, they got the whole team mocking Phae." Her eyes teared up, "it isn't fair."

Coach looked pissed, but I looked at Katie, "hey, we been playin' together since we were 8. Katie, they can say whatever the hell they want, but we got this." I grinned, "just let me know which to hit with a 'wild pitch'."

"I didn't hear that!" Coach Evans walked away shaking his head, "hit em' good though, Curtis."

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