Chapter 51

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Phaedra's POV

Darry and Dally were the last to arrive at the Dingo. I showed him the money, "can we keep it?"

Darry shook his head, "absolutely not."

"What are we suppose to do with it?"

"It's going in an envelope and I'm giving it to Brody's dad to hold. It's dirty money." He picked it up and stuck it in his pocket, "I don't want to hear another word about it." Darry used that tone that made it clear that the conversation was over.

Shortly after that, everyone took their leave. Steve, Soda, Dally, and Two-Bit headed to Buck's.  Johnny and I walked back home hand in hand, "wanna go back to mine and Dal's place?  Hang out for a bit."

"Is that ok, Dare?" I asked him. 

Darry nodded and kissed my forehead, "don't do anything stupid."

"Me? Never!" I laughed. 

We got to Johnny and Dally's apartment.  I sat down on the couch while Johnny got us something to drink.  I set my beer down on the coffee table, "whaddya wanna do?"  Instead of answering, Johnny leaned in and kissed me passionately.

I tried to kiss him back, but it was still difficult, but Johnny didn't mind.  He kissed me down the side of my neck.  I was able to nibble his jaw line. 

Johnny gently pushed me back so he was on top of me.  He slid his hand up my shirt, "is this ok?"  I nodded and he began fondling my breast.  Every part of my body was tingling. I slid Johnny's shirt off and ran my hands over his torso.

"Can I?" he asked, wanting to take my shirt off.
I answered by pulling it off and unhooking my bra. His tongue teased my nipples, making them harden, "should we take this to the bedroom?"

"Yes, please," I whispered in his ear. 

He took my hand and led him to his room.  He took his pants off and slid mine off as well.  I was suddenly embarrassed and tried to cover myself, but Johnny pulled my hands away, "don't hide, you're beautiful."

I laid on the bed and he laid next to me.  His fingers brushed against my panties, causing me to moan a little, "Johnny..."

"My baby's wet," he gently rubbed his hand over my panties.

My hand found it's way to Johnny's large cock and I stroked his shaft, "oh god Phae."  I ripped his boxers down.  I knew I wouldn't be able to put my lips around his cock, so I did the next best thing.  I licked the length of his shaft, "I have condoms in the nightstand."

I quickly pulled on out and handed it to Johnny.  He fumbled putting it on, but finally was able to roll it on.  He pulled my white lace panties down and started kissing my sweet spot.  The pleasure went through my like an electric shock, "please, Johnny.  I need you inside me!"

He positioned himself at my opening and gently slid in.  I gasped as I felt a sharp pain, "did I hurt you?"

"No, keep going."  He moved again slowly.  Once he was in, he began to move in and out.  His rhythm quickened and he was pounding my pussy with his hard cock. 

My moans became louder and louder, "oh my god, Johnny."  I felt his movements become sloppy as he orgasmed. 

He slowly pulled out of me, "did you cum?"

I...I don't know...." I laid down.  Johnny tossed the condom in the garbage and we curled up together in his bed, both of us naked.  I traced circles on his bare chest.  "I love you, Johnny."

"I love you too, Phaedra.  Always have, always will."

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