Chapter 49

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Soda's POV

Steve and I laid next to each other, both trying to catch our breath. We just went 3 rounds, but damn did we need it. I was stressed and worried about Phaedra and Pony. Never in my wildest dreams did I think Phae and Pony would run drugs. I understood why they were doing it, but damn, I hate that it had to come to this.

I felt myself getting angry as I replayed the events. Delaney getting jumped, Phae getting cut, the meetings, the drugs, Miller, Wallace, us working with Douglas...this was insane! I bolted up right causing Steve to open his eyes, "you ok?"

I shook my head, "no."

He sat up and pulled me close, "you're worried about the twins." It wasn't a question. He knew me too well.

"What if something goes wrong?"

"You can't do the what if thing. It'll drive you crazy."  He kissed my shoulder.  I laid back down, snuggling up to him.  He was right.  I knew he was, but how could I not worry about them.

Ponyboy's POV

9:00pm sharp, Phae and I were at the Strip.  We didn't come alone though, Darry and Dally were somewhere in the crowd.  We don't know where, though.  Douglas thought it was best that way so we wouldn't keep looking in their direction.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared.  I was, but I was also angry at this entire situation.  Sure, Phae and I were protected as long as we testify against them, but that don't mean Wallace and Miller couldn't hurt us. 

Phae was just a scared as I was, but I could tell she was playing it cool.  She had her blade in her pocket even though Darry told us not to bring it.  Hell, I had mine too.  We wanted to be able to defend ourselves.  "Phae," I nudged her and pointed to a group of Tigers, "there they are."

She nodded and we headed over to them, "Wallace, Miller, Douglas." I acknowledged them. 

Miller's eyes darted back and forth, "you come alone."

"Yeah," Phae snapped, "you think we're idiots?"

Wallace put his arm around Phae.  He kissed her cheek and I saw her shudder, "had I known you were interested in this operation, I wouldn't of cut ya so bad."

"Keep your hands off of her." I growled, "we're only here to get the money we need to keep our home."

He took his arm away and glared at me.  He punched me in the stomach, "know your place, shit head."  He held up a bag of white powder, "see that guy over there?"  We nodded, "go give him this, get the money, and bring it back.  I don't wanna see anything that looks suspicious."

Phaedra glared at him, "what am I suppose to say?  Hey, you the guy that wants the drugs."

Wallace rolled his eyes, "you're pretty stupid for a greaser.  Go stand by him, but not too close and say, 'Roshambo' if he says, 'yes', slip the bag from your pocket into his."  If he doesn't respond, walk away.  That's how you know you got the guy."

I glanced at Phae, "Roshambo?" I had to laugh.  I wondered if he actually knew the meaning behind that.  Phaedra slipped the baggy in her pocket and gave me a small smile.  She confidently walked up over to him. 

Phaedra's POV

My heart was pounding.  I stood about 3 ft from him, not looking at him, but said "Roshambo." 


I slowly turned, he held out his hand.  I had the baggy wrapped in my fingers.  I went to shake his hand.  I felt the bag slip out of my fingers as his hand went into the pocket of my coat.  As soon as I had the money, I, nonchalantly, walked back to Wallace.

"Damn, girl," Wallace was impressed, "you sure you never did this before?"

I shrugged, "no different than passing notes in school."

Wallace took the money, handed me $70.  This was the most money I have ever had at one time!  I pocketed it as Pony and I walked away.  $70 bucks for one run.  I stared at Pony, "man, we could be rich."

Pony raised an eyebrow, "don't get any ideas.  You know we can't keep that.  It's dirty money."

"Still spends the same..."

Pony glared at me, "don't even think about."

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