Chapter 31

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Ponyboy's POV

"Understand this!" Everyone in the room jumped as Phaedra's softball smashed into the wall, leaving a crack.  The room was silent, not even Two-Bit  could think of something to say.

"Uh...Darry," Dally stepped forward.

Darry held up his hand, "do NOT say whatever it is you're gonna say."

Dally stepped beside Two, "so I shouldn't say, told ya so."  He looked away sheepishly.  Darry took a menacing step toward Dally, "and on that note, we'll catch ya later!"  Dally and Two-Bit exited quickly.

"Anyone else have anything to add?" Darry growled, jaw still clenched.  Steve, Sodapop, and I shook our heads, "I'm goin' for drive...I will be back when I get back."  It wasn't long before we heard the truck fire up and drive away.

Steve sank into the couch, "that was intense."

I rolled my eyes, "understatement of the year, Captain Obvious."

Steve glared at me, "ya such a wise ass."

"Rather be a wise ass than a dumb ass," I shot back.

Steve went to stand, but Soda pulled him back down, "would it kill either of you to be a little nicer to eachother."

"Probably..." Steve grumbled.

"I don't really wanna risk it."  I muttered under my breath.  I picked up my book that I was reading for school, George Orwell's 1984.  It was one of my favorite books to read.  It was written in 1949 as a warning against totalitarianism.  I had already read the book twice before so it was just a refresher.

I snuck a few glances over to Soda and Steve.  They were trying to cuddle, but not make it obvious that they were cuddling, "Do you two really think that you're hiding your relationship?" I chuckled.

Steve glared daggers at me, but Soda blushed, "Ponyboy," he groaned.

I laughed, "alright, I'll leave ya alone so ya don't have to be all embarrassed."  I wanted to go check on Phaedra anyway.  Darry really pissed her off, not that I blame her.  I'd be pissed too if Darry talked about me behind my back.

I tapped on her door, "Phae?"  No answer, "Phaedra," I stepped into her room.  It was obvious that Phaedra climbed out her window.  I wish I could say I was suprised, but I wasn't.  She and Darry were so alike in that way.  He goes for a drive and she either runs or takes a walk.  I just hoped she came back before Darry did.

Soda's POV

Pony left to check on Phae and I took the opportunity to nip at Steve's jaw and neck, "Soda," he groaned, but didn't try to make me stop.  I nibbled on his ear and kissed down the side of his neck.  He turned his face and caught my lips with his.  I could feel his excitement grow and I rubbed against him.  "Soda," he moaned, pushing his hips against me.  I started to pull down the zipper of his jeans.

"BRING BRING," the telephone interrupted us.

"Pony, get the phone!" I yelled.  It stopped ringing and we continued our make out session.

Ponyboy's POV

I swear, Soda and Steve are worse than a middle school couple.  They can't even answer the phone, "hello, Curtis Residence."

"Is this Ponyboy?"

"Yes," I tried to recognize the voice, "this is."

"It's Katie and Mallory from Phae's softball team?"

"Oh, Phaedra's not here."

"Yeah, she showed up at Natalie's party.  They got into a fight.  She punched Natalie and then took off.  We tried to follow her, but lost her."

"I know where she is.  Thanks for calling."  I hung up, "Soda! I'm goin' for a walk."

My twin is so predictable, I thought to myself as I walked the 6 blocks to the cemetery.  Sure enough, she was sitting, leaning up against the gravestone, "Phaedra?"


Shit, she's hammered, "Phae, whaddya doin?"

"I'm drinkin with ma and daddy!" She held up the bottle, "wan some?" she slurred.

"No, we gotta get you home before Darry does."

"Nope...he'll never tell me what to to again." She took another drink, but missed her mouth and ended up dumping it down the front of herself, "I'm gonna stay here!"

Dealing with stubborn Phae sucks, however, dealing with drunk stubborn Phae brings it to a whole other level, "That sucks," I sat beside her, "cause Johnny was comin' over tonight."

That got her attention, "schohnny?"  Then realization hit her, " no no," she stumbled to her feet, "Schonny hates drinks."

Now we're gettin' somewhere, "yeah, so we need to make it home and get you in bed before Johnny sees ya."  I honestly had no idea if Johnny was staying with Dal tonight or us.  Either way, she won't remember.

I hauled her to her feet and steadied her, "Ok, ready?"  I put her arm around my neck, and I held her waist, please let us get home before Darry, or before she pukes.

"I done, Pone" she slurred, "I done wit everrrrrrreeeone.  Peo'le bad."

"I know, Phaedra," she sounded like a broken record at this point. 

We rounded the corner to our house.  My heart sunk, not for myself, but for Phaedra, Darry's truck was in the drive way.  He was standing on our porch, arms folded across his chest, even from across the street I could read the disappointment and anger on his face.

Poor Phae was in for it.

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