Chapter 30

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Phaedra's POV

"You did WHAT?" I paced around the living room as I glared at my brother.

"Phae, c''re being unreasonable. I'm doing what I think is best."

"I'm being unreasonable?!?" I was so pissed, but my words and tone wasn't conveying that. It's really hard to rant with a mouth that doesn't open all the way.

" need to calm down," my brother spoke calmly, "I cannot understand you when you get this upset."

That was wrong thing to say, "understand this!" I threw my softball as hard as I could at the wall by his head. The plaster cracked.

The entire room was silent. Darry clenched his jaw, "I suggest you go to your room before you get yourself in more trouble."

I stomped off toward my room, turned back, threw my middle finger at him, then slammed my door so hard it shook the house. How dare he?! He met with the Brody guy, Shepard, Douglas without me! But that wasn't what I was most pissed about, he told them about my nightmares, about how I don't sleep. He made me sound like the biggest wuss in Oklahoma. He told them I couldn't eat right or drink right. He told them how I can't even kiss my own boyfriend! I have never felt so vulnerable in my life. I felt like I had no control over anything.

I got on my knees and pulled a brown bag out from under my bed. The brown bag contained my bottle of vodka. I unscrewed the cap and took shot after shot. It burned my throat, but left me warm inside. If Darry was going to talk about me behind my back, then I sure as hell wasn't gonna let him tell me what to do.

I took another swig and replaced the bottle back under my bed. I made sure I had my blade and climbed out my window. There was a big party at Natalie's tonight, an end of the year bash. Darry told me that he didn't want me going because of all the shit with the Cobras. I don't give a shit anymore.

I headed toward Natalie's house. She lived in a decent sized house, no where near as big as the Delaney's but it was bigger than mine. The party had already had already started when I walked in. There was a good mix of socs, and everyone in between, but not many greasers.

I looked for Nat. I've been so busy with softball that I hadn't seen her. I waved to Katie and Mallory as I wandered through the house. Natalie was coming up from the basement, "Nat!"

She seemed shocked to see me, "Phae...I didn't think you'd be here."

"I decided last minute to come," I grabbed a beer out from one of the coolers.

"Yeah," she didn't seem all that happy to see me.

"Hey babe," Scott, one if the big wig socs put his arm around her, "S'up Scarface, Nat didn't tell me you were coming."

"I didn't think she was," she turned toward me, "look, Phaedra, I just started dating Scott.  I think it's best if you stay on your side of the tracks.  You're not welcome here anymore."

Could this day get worse? "Natalie, we're best friends..." I stared at her, unsure of what to say.

"Look, it's better if we stick to our own kind." She pointed toward the door. I turned to go, but she stopped me, "Oh...Phaedra, you got a little something on your face." She traced her finger down her own cheek, mocking my scar.

After that, I did the only thing I could do, I grabbed Natalie by the hair and threw her to the ground, "you're such a stupid bitch." I straddled her and punch her in the face as hard as I could. It wasn't long before her boyfriend came to her rescue. He hauled me off of her and shoved me out the door.

"Go take a bath, Greaser," Scott yelled as he slammed the door.

I stood there in awe, what the hell just happened? Natalie was suppose to be my best friend. She picked a guy, and not just any guy, a soc over me. Her best friend. Who else am I gonna lose?

I did not want to go home yet, so I did the next best things. I stole a bottle of vodka and walked to the cemetery. I sat down in front a large head stone, "hey mom and dad," I took a swig of the vodka, "wanna watch me get hammered.  I got no more shits to give.  I wish they woulda killed me."

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