Chapter 36

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Darry's POV

I walked in the door after a long day at work to be greeted by a pissed off Phaedra and an equally irritated Dallas. They both started in on me the second I shut the door. "Guys," I held up my hands, "could ya not right now? Douglas is on his way over, so is Brody and his dad."

Phaedra crossed her arms, "why are they coming here?" She demanded angrily.

I sighed. She's been so angry since that night she got drunk at the cemetery, "because I don't want a repeat of the other day. Phaedra, can ya please just give me a break and try to see that I'm trying to do my best here?"

She rolled her eyes. Honestly, I'm surprised she hasn't rolled them out of her head! The attitude was getting old, "this is so fucking ridiculous!"

"Phaedra, please," I walked past her and grabbed a beer, "can you please just ditch the attitude for one night? Douglas and Brody are just tryin' to help. The Cobras are dangerous!"

Phaedra gasped, "I had NO IDEA! Pony, did you know that? I thought they were soft a cuddly, ya know, right before they sliced me."

"Phaedra," I growled. The last thing I wanna do is fight right now. I adore my sister and I get that she's goin' through some stuff, but I'm not sure how much more her mood swings I could take. Thankfully, when Johnny came in, she went over to him.

"What are we gonna do with her?" Soda came up beside me.

"I don't know..." I sighed, "but she sure as hell ain't gonna listen to me."

Steve's POV

Brody and Lawrence showed up before Douglas did. I could tell just by looking at the Paulsens that they thought they were better than us. That has always bugged me. How can someone just walk in a place and just decide everyone else is shit?

Soda was a nervous wreck but was trying to seem tough. Hell, I think all of us was on edge. Dally and Two-Bit both had their hands on their blades. It wasn't obvious to anyone but us.

Johnny, Phaedra, and Pony stood off to the side. The only one that seemed somewhat relaxed was Darry. He greeted each one and shook hands with them. He introduced all of us and we nodded in return.

"Dad," Brody was the first one to speak, "I know you had some questions for Phaedra." At the mention of her name, she stepped forward. I watched the Paulsens for a reaction. Brody gave Darry a sympathetic look while Old Man Paulsen wouldn't look directly at her.

"Ms. Curtis," he began.

I nudged Soda and mouthed, "Ms. Curtis?" It sounded so prim and proper...the exact opposite of Phaedra.

"If I decide to help you, I am going to ask that you sign a contract saying you will take the witness stand for the prosecution. We can't have you backing out. You are the one who, not only saw these men, but spoke to them as well.  You are a key witness."

I felt Soda tense beside me. I wanted nothing more than to hold his hand, but that couldn't happen. Phaedra didn't react at all to that. She just agreed and went back by Johnny. The silence was deafening and I hoped that Douglas would get here soon.

Bryon's POV

I left the Tigers turf and quietly made my way down the the Curtis house. I burst into the house, "Wallace wants to start sellin' on the west side. He wants Phaedra to run for him. Said if she don't agree, he's goin' after Ponyboy."

"What?" That's when I realized the new guy and some old new guy was there, "they want to sell these illegal substances in our neighborhoods!" Old guy was pissed.

"That's literally what I just said." I threw my hands up and looked at Darry in disbelief.

"Here's what we're gonna do," Old guy said, "I am giving the names the Brody told me to the police. This is a disgrace! We need these...these criminals off the street!"

The Curtis gang stared at each other, anger painted each one's face, "now...this is a disgrace?" Phaedra spit out. She was furious. Can't say I blame her, "yo neighborhood getsdrug annow youmad?" She sputtered.

Old guy looked around confused, "What did she say?"

Ponyboy stepped forward. The kid has always been quiet...never really says too much, but I could tell he was keeping everything together by a strand, "she said, you're only pissed now because it's your neighborhood." Anger bubbling under the surface.

The tension in the room was incedible, no one moved.

Johnny's POV

We stood, no one breathing, waiting for Darry to make the decision. Everybody knew what the answer should be, but Darry wasn't giving it.

"Phaedra, sign the contract," finally it was said.

However, Phaedra's eyes burned so angry in mine, "since when do you get to decide?" She demanded.

"Phae, I know your scared, but you gotta do it. He's gonna help, is it for selfish reasons, damn straight, but it's the best we're gonna get." I reached for her hand, but she yanked it away.

"I thought you had my back," but she went up and signed it, "you tell your cop friends that they hurt ANY of my guys, I'm walkin' away. Fuck, I'll even testify for Wallace."

"Young lady," Lawerence Paulsen spoke sternly, "you best watch your manner.  You signed the contract and I can have you held in contempt."

Shaking, she walked off toward her room, "Phaedra?" I started following her.

The pain in her face broke my heart, "I'm done, Johnny.  This isn't gonna work out."

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