Chapter 7

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Ponyboy's POV

Phaedra woke up pissed. She was scared, angry, and in pain. It was weird, not seeing part of her mouth move, but I ignored it.  The last thing she needed was me, Darry, and Soda unsettled and scared.  I sat back down in my chair and held her hand. I laid my head down on the side of her bed. She had been in the hospital about 36 hours and I hadn't slept once.

I heard the nurse walk in, but I didn't bother lifting my head. I couldn't even concentrate on what they were saying. I felt my eyelids get heavy. All I wanted was for Phae to wake up, when she finally did, it was like all the fear I'd been holding onto left and the exhaustion set in almost immediately. I allowed it to take over, too tired to fight sleep anymore.

Darry's POV

"Your sister is going to be asleep for at least 12 hours. We gave her a pretty heavy sedative and pain medication."

The nurse was talking to me, but I was half listening, "I'm sorry, you were saying?"

"Go home, get some rest, eat, shower. You three are going to be useless to her if you're dead tired."

I rubbed my eyes. We were all exhausted. "What if she wakes up sooner?"  I didn't want her waking up alone.

"I will leave a note with the charge nurse to call you if she wakes up." She put a comforting hand on my arm, "I'll be back tomorrow morning and will be her assigned nurse."

I sighed, knowing she was right, but not wanting to leave Phaedra. The nurse squeezed my hand and left. I gathred up Soda and Pony, convincing Pone to leave was pretty difficult. He did not want to leave his twin, but with some reassurance; we were able to get him to leave.

The three of us climbed into the truck, "Phaedra's gonna be ok, right?" I heard the fear in Ponyboy's voice."

"I hope so, honey, I sure as hell hope so."

Dally's POV

Me, Steve, and Two-Bit drove over to Shepard's house. I was outta the car before Steve put the damn thing in park, "Shepard!" I yelled as I stormed the house, "Shepard!"

Tim's sister, Angela, came around the corner, "he ain't here, Dally."

"Where the fuck is he?" I yelled at her

"I think he went to Buck's, but I ain't totally sure." She looked a little scared, but I didn't give a shit.

"I need your phone." I didn't wait for an answer. I shoved past her and picked up the phone. I dialed the Brumley's phone number, "Call Jensen and meet at Buck's in an hour." I was seething by this point.


"Just do it!" I slammed the phone down and dialed up Miller, "Buck's in an hour!" I yelled into the phone,

"Winston?" Miller sounded a little off, "I'm bringing my second."

"I don't care who the fuck you bring! Buck's in an hour!" I slammed the phone down. Two and Steve stared at me, "he's bringing his second."

I walked put into the living, "Tim shows up, you tell him to get his ass to Buck's," I jabbed my finger in her face. "Got it?"

Angela rolled her eyes, "yeah...what crawled up your asshole?" I don't hit girls, but I almost punch her, instead, I got in her face, "one of my gang is laying in the hospital right now and I want some fuckin' answers!"

I didn't wait for a response. The three of us got back in Steve's car, "I swear, I'm gonna find who hurt Phae and gonna make them wish they were dead." The other two said nothing. They knew better.

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