1995/ luke p. (jatp)

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warnings: a small dirty joke lol but besides that none:)
songs listened to while writing this: never enough by Loren Allred, 505 and snap out of it by arctic monkeys, cold cold cold by cage the elephant, sofia by clairo
read my small side note at the bottom please❤️
"that was amazing y/n/n" luke said as you blushed, "noo, but did you see Alex he did amazing" you said as Alex smiled as he started doubting and Reggie hyped him up as Bobby smiled. "wow you guys are really amazing" said the pretty girl who was wiping the table "especially you, a girl in a band now might seem so not girly but it's really amazing, you guys are going places, especially her" she said while you smiled and looked at luke who looked at you smiling. "lets go get some hot dogs?" you asked the boys and they all agreed besides bobby, "yes by hot dog you mean Luke's" reggie winked as you blushed, "what the hell reggie, it was only one time you walked in on us" luke said as you looked at the girl he was chuckling "yea what makes it weird is you guys arent even together" Alex said as you looked at him dead in the eye. "it was totally weird y/n was naked and so was luke and he was just pushing-" reggie was motioning what he saw "Okaaayyy reggie stop, I don't want to even hear it" bobby said as you got more red as luke grabbed you and hid your face "SEE they aren't even dating but act like a couple" reggie pointed out as you wrapped your arms around him ignoring reggie. "anyways you guys were going for some hot dogs" bobby said as you guys separated, you were headed towards the door "bobby, are you coming?" you asked him "I actually ate before I got here..a salad" he said looking back at the girl as she laughed "heyyy that's what you told luke-" reggie got cut off by Luke who was putting his hand on reggies mouth to prevent him from saying anything more about that magical night you both shared. "anyways here's a shirt, size beautiful" Reggie said as they all nodded making you feel a bit sad because luke agreed also "thank you guys but she's the beautiful one, I would kill to be in a band with boys...maybe with another girl too" she said as you looked up and smiled, "well in that case, bye boys me and this girl will be starting a new band" you said moving away from them as luke tried grabbing your waist "i- no you help alot with this band" reggie said as Alex laughed "rose and the petal pushers" she said as you laughed and the boys pouted "uuugh fine, ill stay" you said jokingly as they all smiled, "well anyways bye rose, see you later hopefully" you said questioning her name as she nodded smiling, "oh yea before we go, he ate a burger" luke said as you four left leaving rose and Bobby alone.
"man I can't to eat some place where the condiments aren't served out of the back of an Oldsmobile" Alex said getting a pickle and ended up dropping some juice on the battery and heading towards the guy who served the hotdogs "hey sorry, I got some pickle juice on your battery cables" Alex said as the guy chuckled "no problem, it'll help with the rust" he said and went back into making them as Alex turned to you guys and had a confused face. you four went to the seat they had there, before you sat down you looked at the posters, Two missing people, one being luke and the other being you. "hey no, this spot is taken" luke said as reggie tried sitting down next to him "dude we barely fit, have her sit on your lap" reggie said letting himself fall completely into the chair as luke looked at you and smirked making you blush as you head towards him and sat on his lap. "g-guys" you said grabbing there attention "what's up" reggie said "you okay?" Alex said and luke held your waist tapping it 4 times which was a code for 'are you okay?' , "uhm...im thinking of leaving the band" you told them as they looked at you shocked "w-why?" reggie said as luke looked at you with sad yet shocked eyes "dont get me wrong this band is amazing but I literally ran away from home, on bad terms with my dad. I was the only one he had left." you told them as luke held you close "I thought it was because of me" he said as you slightly smiled "but what about the performance tonight?" Alex asked "ill preform with you guys but I'll be going back to my dad" you said as they all nodded "just don't leave the band please, we need you, with your voice we sound awesome" reggie said and they all agreed "well I think about it but it's been in my mind" you said as they all smiled and luke said his small speech. "thats a new taste" you said as Alex nodded. it was all amazing until you passed out.
"WOOOOOAAAAAAAHHHH" you fell on top of luke "are you okay?" luke asked holding onto you as you blushed "AAAAAHHHH" some high pitched voice screamed as you all screamed and she left out screaming. "are you guys okay?" Alex asked you guys and you shook your head "where are we?" you looked around as the place seemed familiar, you giys were in panic "its only been 5 hours, we probably just passed out and woke up" you said. the girl came back and from that the rest was history well until julie told you she had a crush on luke.
"hey reggie can i talk to you...since youre the only one here?" you sat next to him as he put his bass down, "sure whats up dude?" he looked at you a bit worried "well today i went to go visit julie after her dance thing, and i overheard here say she fantasized about luke when she was dancing with nick, and ive noticed everytime i want to hang out with luke it would always be 'julie this julie that' or something with julie. a-and i just want to know what me and him had was it a short time thing o-or s-s-something f-for a lifet-time! i fell for him r-reggie, so badly that i wanted to quit the b-band a-and move away, but i knew the moment we met her, he was going to fall for her and leave me slowly" you told him while letting the tears that formed while talking fall, "okay y/n, relax, youre having one of those panic things and you know i dont do good with them, so please breathe" he stood up and stopped you and helped you catch your breath, "i-its always julie reg, its always someone better then me" you cried into his arms as he held you "hey hey hey, y/n no one could compare the way your voice is with ours but with julie we could always be seen and heard" he said and you backed away "see what i mean! its always her! even my own bestfriends are drifting away!" you told him as he puts his hands up in defense "hey whats going on?" luke came in with julie and alex poofed wherever he came from. "you guys dont even know what today is" you said in tears as they all stood there "its friday, best day of the week" reggie said and you looked down, "i shouldve quit the band when i had the chance" you said and poofed out "what does she mean quit the band? is she leaving us?" julie asked as alex and luke remembered what today was. it was your birthday, the same day your mom passed away. "god we're idiots!" luke said while julie stood there confused "where is she going anyways?" reggie asked and alex looked at him weirdly "dont you know what today is?" he asked him and reggie thought of it until he remembered "its y/n's birthday! and the day her mom died" he said excited then slowed and sad as he talked about your mom. "lets go" luke said and they stopped him "you go, you knew how she felt yet you left her alone" alex said as luke looked down "well stay here and you go man" reggie said and luke poofed away "wait but we have a gig tonight!" julie said and talked with alex and reggie on how to work things out with this unpredictable schedule.
"mom why did you send me back here? why arent i up with your or down? why do i have to be the back up plan?" you cried as you wrapped your moms sweater around yourself "because honey, you werent done" the soft voice said you looked around and saw a women fully dressed white, "done with what?" you got up and walked towards the women "youre not done with your business" you were about to ask what it was till you heard someone call your name "y/n/n!?" you looked back and saw luke "go finish what youve never done" and just like that she was gone. "w-who was that? was it a boy?" luke asked nervously as you rolled your eyes "why do you care"  you said sitting back down on the small blanket you set up not to long ago. "im sorry y/n, for everything, for taking you to advantage and never giving you the same amount of attention you gave me" he said sitting next to you, handing you a flower "but who was it?" he said softly "i think it was my mom" you looked down and spinned the flower. "i-i thought you like me luke. i thought that we would go on dates and mess around with bobby for fun but no its always julie" you said looking luke "i finally got something i wanted only for him to be taken away from" you said as he sat there waiting for you to finish everything building inside of you "i-i just thought maybe you would love me that way that you did-" you got cut off by luke kissing you, it was filled with passion, maybe even love. you guys kissed for about 5 more seconds and he placed his forehead on yours "i do like you y/n, maybe i love you and it scares me...the feeling you give me is so amazing im scared if we go now itll be gone" he said cupping your face, wiping your tears "my love for you cant stop and wont ever stop luke" you looked into his eyes, "never" you whispered "you shouldve told me 25 years ago" he said "tried to but too scared" he laughed and then he kissed you more passionately, more needy. "here? really?" you asked him as he smiled "maybe?" and you blushed.
LOLOLOL IM DEBATING ON A PART TWO FOR THIS ONE W SOME ✨spice✨ in it lol so yall comment if you want it😀 also currently i havent been feeling good about myself, and usually when someone feels like this they stop updating things but the thing is when i write i feel so free and happy and i just cant express it🥺 so with me feeling like this i always come up with so many ideas and with everyone who reads this or asks for requests or even vote i literally jump and go bother my brother about this🧍‍♀️buut yea thats all i have to say🥲 anywho i hope you guys are safe and healthy ❤️
stay home and safe🥰
vote if you want❤️

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